St. Tikhon of Zadonsk and His Teaching on Salvation

In the second part of his work, Priest T. Popov analyzes the writings of St. Tikhon, examining them as monuments of Christian moral teaching. In his reasoning, the author does not always clearly connect the previous thought with the next, why each chapter and the entire work as a whole are devoid of integrity, completeness and are difficult to read.

Other articles and studies are also used in this work. In 1862, in the "Additions to the Works of the Holy Fathers" there was published an article by Professor P.S. Kazansky "The Works of St. Tikhon I, Bishop of Voronezh, on the Administration of the Voronezh Flock" [14]. On the basis of archival material, the author writes about the activities of the saint at the Voronezh cathedra.

In 1898, M.N. Rudnev published in Tula "Resolutions and Orders of St. Tikhon, Bishop of Voronezh and Yeletsk, on the Archival Documents of the Tula Ecclesiastical Consistory". The brochure speaks of the orders of the saint regarding matters concerning the churches of the city of Yefremov and the district [15].

Articles by Archpriest E. Ovsyannikov "St. Tikhon as a Benefactor of Church Life and an Activist in the Struggle against the Old Believers' Schism in the Don Ukraine" [16] and M. Bylov's "Schism in the Voronezh Diocese under Bishop Tikhon I (the Holy Hierarch)" [17], which are based on archival data, answer the following questions: where and to what extent the schism spread in the Voronezh diocese under St. Tikhon, what was the essence of schismatic errors, what the local clergy, headed by Bishop Tikhon, did to combat the schism, and what were the results of this struggle. In addition, Archpriest E. Ovsyannikov in his article sets the task of revealing the ecclesiastical organizational activity of St. Tikhon in the area of the Don Army.

A lot of archival data is contained in two works by P.V. Nikolsky, chairman of the Voronezh Church Historical and Archaeological Committee: "Monasticism on the Don" (Voronezh, 1909), where the life and work of St. Tikhon Tikhon is considered in a separate chapter, and "On the Relationship of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk to the Parish Clergy" [18].

During the writing of the dissertation, we made repeated attempts to find and work out the handwritten decrees and resolutions of St. Tikhon. However, in the archival repositories of Moscow, Leningrad and Voronezh, these documents, with rare exceptions, could not be found.

Special mention should be made of the activities of the Voronezh Church Historical and Archaeological Committee, which in the pages of its journal "Voronezh Antiquity" systematically published materials relating to the life and work of St. Tikhon. On the eve of the 50th anniversary of the glorification of the Zadonsk Wonderworker, the members of the Committee decided to publish a special jubilee collection dedicated to the memory of the saint, and for this purpose they set themselves the goal of "going with a pilgrimage staff to all the areas where St. Tikhon lived, worked, prayed and died, and to collect together all the material monuments of his life" [19].

Let us point out a few more works that illuminate certain aspects of the work of St. Tikhon on the basis of his works. In 1844, the priest A. Klyucharev (later Archbishop Ambrose of Kharkov) published a collection of his sermons and placed in this edition the work "The Life of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk"[20]. After a brief biography (22 pages), the author reveals the topic "The Character of St. Tikhon as a Christian Teacher", where he examines the truths of the Christian faith and morals on the basis of the works of the Holy Father.

In 1864, Bishop Jeremiah of Nizhny Novgorod published a work in St. Petersburg, the very title of which speaks of the goals and objectives of the study: "The Teaching of Our Father St. Tikhon, the Newly-Appeared Saint-God-Pleaser, the Wonderworker of All Russia, on the Truths of the Orthodox Christian Faith and the Church, Set Forth in Alphabetical Order and Catechetical Form with the Addition of a Few Articles from the Writings of the Holy Fathers and Teachers of the Church." Unfortunately, the author does not make footnotes, does not cite exact quotations from the works of St. Tikhon and the Holy Fathers, and therefore it is difficult to figure out where the author's views, reasoning and conclusions are, and where the quotation is. Perhaps this happened for the reason that Bishop Jeremiah, guided primarily by edifying goals, i.e., having in mind "the benefit of the brethren – all Orthodox Christians" [21], did not seek to create a scientific work.

Some authors consider the preaching and pastoral activity of St. Tikhon. S.A. Kasatkin in his short work "St. Tikhon as a Preacher" solves the questions: "What goals did the saint pursue in his words, to what type of preachers should St. Tikhon be attributed, and to what extent can his sermons occupy a prominent place in our time?" [22] S.A. Kasatkin went somewhat beyond the limits of the task set before him and examined the private conversations of St. Tikhon, his letters and works.

In the article by P. Kratirov "St. Tikhon as a Pastor and Pastor-Teacher" an attempt is made to describe the ideal image of the saint-pastor [23]. On the basis of biographical data and the works of St. Tikhon, the author reveals the moral character and spiritual disposition of the Holy Father at the time of his assumption of the episcopal dignity, tells about his service in the rank of bishop, and his concern for his flock.

It also sets forth the views of the saint on pastoral service, his attitude to the clergy under his jurisdiction, his works on the formation of a zealous attitude to the work of service in pastors and on the education of mental and moral qualities in them. The author significantly expands the tasks of his work. Here is how he himself says about it: "Speaking of the saint as a pastor, we, naturally, will have to expound his common Christian teaching, aimed at the edification of every believer, for it is the teaching that constitutes, in the thought of the saint, the most important duty of pastoral service; and in particular, we must also give advice to monastics"[24]. These are the main sources and manuals used in writing the first part of the dissertation.

The second, and main, part of the work is entirely based on the works of St. Tikhon, the characteristics of which are given after the biography of the saint. This part of the work, entitled "The Teaching of St. Tikhon on Salvation," is divided into two sections: the first is devoted to the objective side of salvation, the second to the subjective. In writing the work, the works of St. Tikhon of the 6th edition (Moscow, 1899) were used. The texts of the Holy Scriptures are given in the dissertation as they are quoted by St. Tikhon in his works. The words of the saint himself are given in the work without changes, taking into account only modern spelling and punctuation. References to works are given in the text in parentheses, where the first digit indicates the volume number, and the second indicates the page.
