St. John of Damascus

90. Phnitopsichites: they recognize the human soul as similar to the soul of livestock and assert that it perishes with the body.

91. Agoniclites: At all times of prayer they do not wish to kneel, but always pray while standing.

92. The Theokatognosts, they are also blasphemers. They, being impudent and blasphemous people, try to find condemnation in some words and deeds of our Lord God and the holy persons devoted to Him, and in the divine Scriptures.

93. Christoliths: It is said that our Lord Jesus Christ, after His resurrection from the dead, left His animate body on earth and ascended to heaven with only one Godhead.

94. Ephnophrons: follow the customs of the pagans, being otherwise Christians. They introduce birth, luck, and fate, accept all astronomy and astrology, all mantics and bird-divination, are attached to auspices, predictions, signs, incantations, and other fables of the wicked, and likewise adhere to other pagan customs, honoring certain pagan festivals, again observing days and months, seasons and years.

95. The Donatists: descended from a certain Donatus in Africa, who taught them first to kiss a certain bone, taking it in their hands, and then proceed to offer the holy mysteries, if they were to be offered.

96. Ificoproskopts: in morals, i.e. in active life, they sin and condemn certain teachings worthy of praise; but some that are worthy of reproach are followed as useful.

97. Parermineuts: they reinterpret some chapters of the divine Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments and understand them in their own way. But, being hostile to many of the exact and irreproachable interpretations, they tolerate it because of a certain simplicity and indiscriminateness, not knowing what some of the heretical dogmas support from it.

98. Lampetians: so called from a certain Lampetius. They allow everyone who wishes to live separately or to spend his life in coenobitic monasteries, to choose the way of life he wishes, and to dress in such clothes as he wishes, for, they say, a Christian must do nothing under compulsion, since it is written: "Willingly I will devour thee" (Psalm 53:8). And again, "By my will we shall be made unto him" (Psalm 27:7). They allow, as some have reported, to give room to the natural passions, and not to oppose them, as nature requires it. They say that they recognize something else that is close to those who are called Arians.

99. The Monothelites: they originated from Cyrus of Alexandria, and thanks to Sergius of Constantinople they were established. They recognize two natures in Christ and one hypostasis, but teach about one will and one action, thereby rejecting the duality of natures and coming very close to the teaching of Apollinarius.

100. There is still the religion of the Ishmaelites, the forerunner of the Antichrist, which is still valid and leads the people astray. She is descended from Ishmael, who was born of Abraham from Hagar, so they are called Hagarites and Ishmaelites. And they are called Saracens, because Hagar said to the angel, "Sarah has sent me away empty."

They were idolaters and worshipped the morning star and Aphrodite, who in their language was called Khabar, which means great.

Thus, until the time of Heraclius, the Saracens clearly served idols; from his own time to this day they have a false prophet called Mamed (Mohammed). He, having become acquainted with the Old and New Testaments, as well as having communicated with an alleged Arian monk, composed his own heresy. Having won over this tribe with an air of piety, he spread the rumor that a scripture had been sent down to him from heaven. Having written down in his book some ridiculous works, he gave it to them for veneration.

Mohammed says that the one God is the creator of everything, that He was not born and begat anyone. He says that Christ is the Word of God and His Spirit, but a creature and a servant, that He was born without seed of Mary, the sister of Moses and Aaron. For, he says, the Word of God and the Spirit entered into Mary and gave birth to Jesus, the prophet and servant of God. The wicked Jews wanted to crucify Him, and seized Him, and crucified His shadow. Christ Himself, says Mohammed, was not crucified or died. For God took Him to Himself in heaven, because He loved Him. And this is what Mohammed says: When Christ entered into heaven, God asked Him, saying, "Jesus, did You say that I am the Son of God and God?" You know that I have not spoken, and I am not ashamed to be Your servant. But sinful people have written that I have spoken this word, and have lied about me, and have gone astray." And God said to him, I know that thou hast not spoken this word.