Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

24 И пришел Бог к Лавану Арамеянину ночью во сне и сказал ему: берегись, не говори Иакову ни доброго, ни худого.

25 И догнал Лаван Иакова; Иаков же поставил шатер свой на горе, и Лаван со сродниками своими поставил на горе Галаад.

26 И сказал Лаван Иакову: что ты сделал? для чего ты обманул меня, и увел дочерей моих, как плененных оружием?

27 зачем ты убежал тайно, и укрылся от меня, и не сказал мне? я отпустил бы тебя с веселием и с песнями, с тимпаном и с гуслями;

28 ты не позволил мне даже поцеловать внуков моих и дочерей моих; безрассудно ты сделал.

29 Есть в руке моей сила сделать вам зло; но Бог отца вашего вчера говорил ко мне и сказал: берегись, не говори Иакову ни хорошего, ни худого.

30 Но пусть бы ты ушел, потому что ты нетерпеливо захотел быть в доме отца твоего, – зачем ты украл богов моих?

31 And Jacob answered Laban, and said, 'I was afraid, for I thought thou wouldst not take away from me thy daughters.'

32 Whosoever thou shalt find thy gods with shall not live; In the presence of our relatives, find out what I have, and take it for yourself. [But he didn't learn anything from him.] Jacob did not know that Rachel [his wife] had stolen them.

33 And Laban went to the tent of Jacob, and to the tent of Leah, and to the tent of the two handmaids, but he did not find it. And he went out of Leah's tent, and entered into Rachel's tent.

34 And Rachel took the idols, and put them under the camel's saddle, and sat on them. And Laban searched all the tent; But he did not find it.

35 And she said to her father, 'Let not my lord be angry, because I cannot stand up before you, for I have the usual things of a woman.' And [Laban] searched [in the whole tent], but found no idols.

36 Jacob got angry and got into an argument with Laban. And Jacob began to speak, and said to Laban, What is my fault, what is my sin, that thou persecutest me?

37 Thou hast searched all my things, what hast thou found of all the things of thy house? show it here before my relatives and before your relatives; let them judge between us both.

38 Behold, I have been with thee twenty years; thy sheep and thy goats have not cast out; I have not eaten the rams of thy flock;

39 That which was torn to pieces by the beast I did not bring to thee, it was my loss; thou hast exacted from me, whether by day or by night what has been lost;

40 I languished by day from the heat, and by night from the cold, and my sleep fled from my eyes.

41 Such are my twenty years in thy house. I have served thee fourteen years for thy two daughters, and six years for thy cattle, and thou hast changed my reward ten times.

42 If the God of my father, the God of Abraham, and the fear of Isaac had not been with me, you would now have sent me away empty-handed. God saw my affliction and the labor of my hands, and interceded for me yesterday.

43 And Laban answered and said to Jacob, 'My daughters are my daughters; children are my children; The cattle are my cattle, and all that you see is mine: can I do anything now with my daughters and with their children who are born of them?

44 Now let us make a covenant between me and you, and this will be a testimony between me and you. [And Jacob said to him, Behold, there is no one with us; behold, God is a witness between me and thee.]