Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

4 Go to Media, my son, for I am sure that Nineveh will be laid waste, as the prophet Jonah spoke; but in Media it will be calmer for the time being. Our brethren who are in the land of our homeland will be scattered from this good land; Jerusalem will be a wilderness, and the house of God in it will be burned and will remain empty for a time.

5 But again God will have mercy on them, and will bring them back to the earth; and the house of God shall be set up, not like the first, until the seasons of the world shall be fulfilled. And after that they will return from captivity and build Jerusalem magnificently, and the house of God will be restored in it for all generations of time, a majestic building, as the prophets spoke of it.

6 And all the nations shall be converted, and shall truly fear the Lord God, and shall overthrow their idols;

7 and all nations shall bless the Lord. And His people will glorify God, and the Lord will exalt His people; and all who truly and righteously love the Lord God will rejoice in showing mercy to our brethren.

8 Therefore, my son, go out of Nineveh, for surely the things that the prophet Jonah spoke will be fulfilled.

9 But thou shalt keep the law and the commandments, and be loving and just, that it may be well with thee.

10 Thou shalt bury me decently, and thy mother with me, and then thou shalt not tarry in Nineveh. "My son, see what Haman did to Ahiahar, who brought him up: how he brought him out of the light into darkness, and how he was rewarded. Ahiachar was saved, and he received a worthy retribution – he descended into darkness. Manasseh did almsgiving, and was saved from the mortal snare that was set for him; Haman fell into the net and perished.

11 Therefore, children, know what alms do, and how justice saves. "When he said this, his soul left him on his bed; And he was one hundred and fifty-eight years old, and his son buried him with honor.

12 And when Hannah died, he buried her also with his father. And Tobias, with his wife, and his children, went to Ecbatana to Raguel his father-in-law;

13 And he came to an honorable old age, and gave a decent burial to his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and received for an inheritance their possessions, and Tobit his father.

14 And he died a hundred and twenty-seven years old in Ecbatana of the Medes.

15 But before he died, he heard of the destruction of Nineveh, which Nebuchadnezzar and Hasuir had taken captive, and he rejoiced before his death over Nineveh.

The Book of Judith

Chapter 1