Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

5 Thy wickedness hath thus disposed thy mouth, and thou hast chosen the tongue of the wicked.

6 Thy mouth accuses thee, and not I, and thy tongue speaketh against thee.

7 Were you born the first man, and were you created before the hills?

8 Have you heard the counsel of God, and have you drawn wisdom unto you?

9 What do you know that we do not know? What do you understand that we would not have?

10 And there is a gray-haired man and an old man among us, whose days are greater than thy father.

11 Is the consolation of God little for you? And this is unknown to you?

12 Wherefore hath thy heart torn thee, and wherefore dost thou look so proudly?

13 Why do you set your spirit against God, and with your mouth speakest such words?

14 What is man, that he should be pure, and that he who is born of a woman should be righteous?

15 Behold, he trusteth not even his saints, and the heavens are unclean in his sight.

16 How much more unclean and corrupt is the man who drinks iniquity as water.

17 I will speak unto thee, hear me; I'll tell you what I saw,

18 That the wise have heard, and have not hid what they have heard from their fathers,

19 To whom alone the land was given, and among whom no stranger walked.

20 The wicked torment himself all his days, and the number of years is hidden from the oppressor;

21 The sound of terrors is in his ears; in the midst of the world the destroyer is coming against him.

22 He does not hope to be saved from darkness; he sees a sword before him.

23 He wandereth about for a morsel of bread; He knows that he is ready, he has the day of darkness in his hands.

24 He is terrified by want and distress; overcomes him like a king prepared for battle,

25 because he stretched out his hand against God, and resisted the Almighty,