Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

19 To whom alone the land was given, and among whom no stranger walked.

20 The wicked torment himself all his days, and the number of years is hidden from the oppressor;

21 The sound of terrors is in his ears; in the midst of the world the destroyer is coming against him.

22 He does not hope to be saved from darkness; he sees a sword before him.

23 He wandereth about for a morsel of bread; He knows that he is ready, he has the day of darkness in his hands.

24 He is terrified by want and distress; overcomes him like a king prepared for battle,

25 because he stretched out his hand against God, and resisted the Almighty,

26 He strove against Him with a proud neck, under his thick shields;

27 For he has covered his face with his fat, and has overlaid his thighs with fat.

28 And he dwells in cities that are laid waste, in houses in which they do not live, which are doomed to ruin.

29 And he shall not be rich, neither shall his possessions survive, nor shall his gain be spread over the earth.

30 He will not escape from darkness; his branches will dry up the flame, and with the breath of his mouth will carry him away.

31 Let not the erring man trust vanity, for vanity shall also be his recompense.

32 He shall not die in his day, and his branches shall not be green.

33 He will cast off his unripe berry like a vine, and like an olive tree he will shake off his blossom.

34 Thus shall the house of the wicked be desolate, and the fire shall devour the tents of bribery.

35 He conceived evil, and gave birth to a lie, and his womb prepares deceit.

Chapter 16

1 And Job answered and said,

2 I have heard many such things; Miserable comforters, all of you!

3 Will there be an end to windy words? And what prompted you to answer like that?