Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

4 And I could speak as you do, if your soul were in the place of my soul; I would have taken up arms against you with words, and would have nodded my head at you;

5 I would strengthen you with my tongue, and comfort you with the movement of my lips.

6 If I speak, my affliction is not assuaged; Do I cease what departs from me?

7 But now he has worn me out. You have destroyed my whole family.

8 Thou hast covered me with wrinkles as a witness against me; My emaciation rises up against me, reproaches me to my face.

9 His wrath is tormented and enmity against me, gnashing his teeth against me; my enemy sharpens his eyes against me.

10 They have opened their mouths against me; swearing they beat me on the cheeks; Everyone conspired against me.

11 God delivered me up to the wicked, and cast me into the hands of the wicked.

12 I was calm, but He shook me; He took me by the neck and beat me, and made me a target for Himself.

13 His archers have surrounded me; He cuts my intestines, and spares not: He has poured out my gall upon the earth;

14 Breaks through breach after breach in me, runs at me like a warrior.

15 And I have sewed sackcloth on my skin, and laid my head in the dust.

16 My face is crimson with weeping, and the shadow of death is upon my eyelids,

17 For all this, there is no theft in my hands, and my prayer is pure.

18 Earth! Cover not my blood, and let there be no place for my cry.

19 And now behold, in heaven is my witness, and my Advocate in the highest.

20 My friends who talk much! My eye weeps to God.

21 Oh, that a man could have a contest with God, as a son of man with his neighbor!

22 For my years are coming to an end, and I am going on a journey no return.

Chapter 17

1 My breath is faint; My days are fading; The coffins are before me.