Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

22 he laugheth at danger, and is not timid, nor turns away from the sword;

23 the quiver sounds above it, the spear and the javelin flash;

24 In a rush and rage he swalloweth the earth, and cannot stand at the sound of the trumpet;

25 At the sound of the trumpet, he utters a voice: Gu! Gu! and from afar he senses the battle, the loud voices of the chieftains, and the shouting.

26 Is it by thy wisdom that the hawk flies, and sets out his wings at noonday?

27 Does the eagle soar up at thy word, and build his nest on high?

28 He dwelleth on the rock, and sleepeth in the battlements of the cliffs, and in the places that are inaccessible;

29 From thence he looks for his food: his eyes look far away;

30 His young drink blood, and where there is a carcass, there he is.

31 And the Lord went on and said to Job,

32 Shall he who contends with the Almighty still teach? He who rebukes God, let him answer Him.

33 And Job answered the Lord, saying,

34 Behold, I am worthless; what shall I answer Thee? I put my hand on my mouth.

E-35 I said once, "Now I won't answer, not even twice, but I won't do it any more."

Chapter 40

1 And the Lord answered Job out of the storm, and said,

2 Gird up thy loins like a man: I will ask thee, and thou shalt explain unto me.

3 Wilt thou overthrow my judgment, accuse me, that thou mayest justify thyself?

4 Do you have a muscle like God's? And can you thunder with a voice like Him?

5 Adorn thyself therefore with majesty and glory, clothe thyself with splendor and splendor;

6 Pour out the fury of thy wrath, look upon all that is proud, and humble it;