Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

21 Shall thou put a ring in his nostrils? Will you pierce his jaw with a needle?

22 Shall he beseech thee much, and shall he speak to thee meekly?

23 Shall he make a covenant with thee, and shall thou take him for thy servant for ever?

24 Wilt thou make fun of it as with a bird, and bind it for thy maidens?

25 Shall the companions of the fisher sell it, shall they divide it among the Canaanite merchants?

26 Can thou pierce his skin with a spear, and his head with a fisherman's edge?

27 Lay thy hand upon him, and remember the struggle: thou shalt not go forward.

Chapter 41

1 Hope is in vain: will you not fall at the mere sight of him?

2 There is no one so brave as to dare to disturb him; who can stand before My face?

3 Who went before me, that I might repay him? under all heaven is all Mine.

4 I will not be silent about his members, about the strength and beautiful proportion of them.

5 Who can open the top of his garment, who will come to his double jaws?

6 Who can open the doors of his face? the circle of his teeth is terror;

7 His strong shields are magnificence; they are sealed as if with a firm seal;

8 One touches one another closely, so that the air does not pass between them;

9 One lies tightly with the other, interlocked and do not move apart.

10 From his sneezing there is light; his eyes are like the eyelashes of the dawn;

11 Out of his mouth come flames, and sparks of fire leap forth;

12 Smoke comes out of his nostrils, as out of a boiling pot or a cauldron.

13 His breath kindles the coals, and out of his mouth comes a flame.