Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

5 If I have repaid evil to him who was at peace with me, I, who have saved even him who has become my enemy without cause,

6 Let the enemy pursue my soul, and overtake me, let him trample my life into the ground, and cast my glory into the dust.

7 Arise, O Lord, in thy wrath; Be moved against the fury of my enemies, awaken for me to the judgment which Thou hast commanded,

8 A multitude of people will stand round about Thee; Rise above it to the heights.

9 The Lord judges the nations. Judge me, O Lord, according to my righteousness, and according to my integrity in me.

10 Let the wickedness of the wicked cease, and strengthen the righteous, for thou hast searched hearts and bowels, O righteous God.

11 My shield is in God, who saves the upright in heart.

12 God is a righteous judge, and a God who searches severely all the day,

13 If anyone does not convert. He sharpens his sword, and bends his bow, and directs it;

14 He prepares for him vessels of death, He makes His arrows scorching.

15 Behold, the wicked man conceived unrighteousness, was pregnant with malice, and brought forth unto himself a lie;

16 He dug a pit, and dug it, and fell into the pit which he had prepared.

17 His wickedness shall be turned upon his head, and his wickedness shall fall upon his crown.

18 I praise the Lord according to his righteousness, and I sing the name of the Lord Most High.

Psalm 8

1 To the head of the choir. On the gun of Gath. Psalm of David.

2 O Lord our God! how great is Thy name in all the earth! Thy glory extends above the heavens!

3 Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings Thou hast ordained praise for the sake of Thy enemies, that Thou mayest silence the enemy and the avenger.

4 When I look upon thy heavens, it is the work of thy fingers, and of the moon, and of the stars which thou hast set up,

5 What is man, that thou rememberest him, and son of man, that thou visitest him?

6 Thou hast humbled him not much before the angels: Thou hast crowned him with glory and honor;