Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

3 Thou art more beautiful than the sons of men; grace has flowed out of Thy mouth; therefore God has blessed thee for ever.

4 Thou shalt gird thy thigh with thy sword, O mighty one, with thy glory and thy beauty,

5 And in this adornment hasten, mount thyself in the chariot for the sake of truth, and meekness, and righteousness, and thy right hand shall shew thee wondrous works.

6 Sharp are Thy arrows, O Mighty One, the nations shall fall before Thee, they are in the heart of the enemies of the King.

7 Thy throne, O God, endureth for ever; the scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Thy kingdom.

8 Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity: wherefore hast thou anointed thee, O God, thy God, with the oil of joy more than thy fellow-partakers.

9 All thy garments are like myrrh, and scarlet, and cassia; from the palaces of ivory they gladden Thee.

10 The daughters of kings are among those who are honorable with you; the queen stood at Thy right hand in the gold of Ophir.

11 Hear, O daughter, and see, and incline thy ear, and forget thy people and thy father's house.

12 And the King will desire thy beauty; for he is thy Lord, and thou shalt worship him.

13 And the daughter of Tyre with gifts, and the richest of the people, shall beseech thy face.

14 All the glory of the King's daughter is within; her clothes are embroidered with gold;

15 in a mottled garment she is led to the King; after her the virgins, her friends, are led to Thee;

16 They are brought in with gladness and rejoicing, they enter into the palace of the King.

17 Instead of thy fathers, thy sons shall be; Thou shalt make them princes over all the earth.

18 I will make thy name remembered for generations and generations; therefore the nations shall praise thee for ever and ever.

Psalm 45

1 To the head of the choir. The sons of Korah. On the musical instrument Alamoth. Canto.

2 God is our refuge and strength, a quick helper in trouble,

3 Therefore let us not be afraid, though the earth be shaken, and the mountains be moved into the heart of the seas.

4 Let their waters roar, their waters heav, the mountains tremble because of their agitation.