Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

22 Но Бог сокрушит голову врагов Своих, волосатое темя закоснелого в своих беззакониях.

23 Господь сказал: [от Васана возвращу, выведу из глубины морской,

24 чтобы ты погрузил ногу твою, как и псы твои язык свой, в крови врагов].

25 Видели шествие Твое, Боже, шествие Бога моего, Царя моего во святыне:

26 впереди шли поющие, позади играющие на орудиях, в средине девы с тимпанами:

27 «в собраниях благословите Бога Господа, вы – от семени Израилева!»

28 Там Вениамин младший – князь их; князья Иудины – владыки их, князья Завулоновы, князья Неффалимовы.

29 Your God has ordained power for you. Affirm, O God, what Thou hast done for us!

30 For the sake of your temple in Jerusalem, kings will bring you gifts.

31 Thou shalt tame the beast in the reeds, the herd of oxen among the calves of the nations, boasting of bars of silver; scatter the peoples who want to fight.

32 The nobles shall come out of Egypt; Ethiopia will stretch out her hands to God.

33 Kingdoms of the earth! sing to God, sing praises to the Lord,

34 Who walketh in the heavens of heaven from everlasting. Behold, He gives His voice a voice of power.

35 Give glory to God! His majesty is over Israel, and His power is in the clouds.

36 Thou art terrible, O God, in Thy sanctuary. The God of Israel, he gives strength and strength to his people. Blessed be God!

Psalm 68

1 To the head of the choir. On Shoshannim. Psalm of David.

2 Save me, O God, for the waters have come to my soul.

3 I am mired in a deep swamp, and there is nothing to stand on; I have entered into the depths of the waters, and their swift current draws me away.

4 I am faint with crying, my throat is withered, my eyes are weary because I am waiting for God.

5 There are more haters who hate me without guilt than a hair on my head; My enemies, who persecute me unjustly, have become stronger; what I did not take away, I must give.

6 God! Thou knowest my folly, and my sins are not hidden from thee.

7 Let not all in me be ashamed, O Lord, God of hosts. Let not those who seek thee in me, O God of Israel, be put to shame;

8 For for thy sake I bear reproach, and with disgrace they cover my face.

9 I have become a stranger to my brethren, and a stranger to my mother's sons;

10 For zeal for thy house devours me, and the reproaches of those who curse thee fall upon me;

11 And I weep, fasting in my soul, and these things are reproached to me;

12 And I put on sackcloth instead of a garment, and I become a parable to them.