Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

4 "I have made a covenant with my chosen one, I have sworn to David my servant:

5 I will establish thy seed for ever, and I will build thy throne for generations and generations."

6 And the heavens shall glorify thy wondrous works, O Lord, and thy truth in the assembly of the saints.

7 For who in heaven can be compared to the Lord? Who among the sons of God can be likened to the Lord?

8 God is terrible in the great assembly of the saints, he is terrible to all those around him.

9 O Lord God Almighty! who is as strong as You, O Lord? And Thy truth is round about Thee.

10 Thou hast dominion over the fury of the sea: when the waves thereof are heaved, Thou hast tamed them.

11 Thou hast cast down Rahab as one who was slain; with Thy mighty arm Thou hast scattered Thy enemies.

12 Thy heavens and thy earth; the world, and that which fills it, Thou hast founded.

13 Thou hast created the north and the south; Tabor and Hermon rejoice in Thy name.

14 Strong is thy arm, strong is thy hand, high is thy right hand.

15 Justice and righteousness are the foundation of thy throne; mercy and truth go before Thee.

16 Blessed is the people who know the trumpet call! They walk in the light of Thy countenance, O Lord;

17 In thy name they rejoice all the day, and are exalted in thy righteousness,

18 For thou art the ornament of their power, and by thy good pleasure our horn is exalted.

19 From the Lord is our shield, and from the Holy One of Israel is our king.

20 Thou didst once speak in a vision to Thy holy one, and said, "I have helped the courageous, I have exalted the chosen one from among the people.

21 I have found David my servant, I have anointed him with my holy oil.

22 My hand shall be with him, and my arm shall strengthen him.

23 The enemy will not prevail against him, neither will the son of iniquity oppress him.

24 I will crush his enemies before him, and I will smite them that hate him.