Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

12 Let the field rejoice, and all that is in it, and let all the oak trees rejoice

13 before the Lord; for he is coming, for he is coming to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness, and the nations according to his truth.

Psalm 96

[The Psalm of David, when his land was built.]

1 The Lord reigns: let the earth rejoice; yes, the numerous islands are having fun.

2 A cloud and darkness are round about him; righteousness and judgment are the foundation of His throne.

3 Fire goes before him, and burns his enemies all around.

4 His lightnings illuminate the world; The earth sees and trembles.

5 Mountains melt like wax at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the Lord of all the earth.

6 The heavens declare his righteousness, and all the nations see his glory.

7 Let all those who serve idols, who boast of idols, be ashamed. Worship Him, all you gods.

8 Zion hears, and rejoices, and the daughters of Judah rejoice because of thy judgments, O Lord,

9 For thou, O Lord, art exalted above all the earth, exalted above all gods.

10 Those who love the Lord, hate evil! He guards the souls of His saints; He delivers them out of the hand of the wicked.

11 Light shineth upon the righteous, and gladness upon the upright in heart.

12 Rejoice, ye righteous ones, in the Lord, and glorify the remembrance of his holiness.

Psalm 97

Psalm [of David].

1 Sing a new song to the Lord, for he has wrought miracles. His right hand and His holy arm gave Him victory.

2 The Lord hath shewed his salvation, hath made his righteousness known before the eyes of the nations.

3 And he remembered his mercy [to Jacob], and his faithfulness to the house of Israel. All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.