Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

116 Strengthen me according to Thy word, and I will live; do not shame me in my hope;

117 Sustain me, and I will be saved; and I will examine Thy statutes unceasingly.

118 As many as depart from Thy statutes, Thou hast cast down, for their wiles are a lie.

119 Like dross, Thou sweepest away all the wicked of the earth; therefore I have loved Thy testimonies.

120 My flesh trembles for thy fear, and I fear thy judgments.

121 I have done justice and righteousness; deliver me not up to my persecutors.

122 Intercede for thy servant for his good, lest the proud oppress me.

123 My eyes are faint, waiting for Thy salvation and the word of Thy righteousness.

124 Do unto thy servant according to thy mercy, and teach me thy statutes.

125 I am thy servant: give me understanding, and I will know thy testimonies.

126 It is time for the Lord to act: Thy law has been broken.

127 But I love Thy commandments more than gold, and pure gold.

128 All thy commandments I acknowledge to be just; I hate every way of lying.

129 Wondrous are Thy revelations; therefore my soul preserves them.

130 The revelation of Thy words enlightens, enlightens the simple.

131 I open my mouth and sigh, for I thirst for Thy commandments.

132 Look upon me, and have mercy on me, as thou wilt do to those who love thy name.

133 Establish my feet in thy word, and let no iniquity take possession of me;

134 deliver me from the oppression of men, and I will keep thy commandments;

135 Shine upon thy servant with the light of thy countenance, and teach me thy statutes.

136 Streams of water flow out of my eyes, because they do not keep Thy law.