Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

2 Let my prayer be as incense before Thy face, the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.

3 Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth, and guard the doors of my mouth;

4 Do not let my heart turn away to evil words to excuse sinful deeds together with men who do iniquity, and let me not eat of their sweetness.

5 Let the righteous chasten me: this is mercy; let him rebuke me: it is the best oil, which will not hurt my head; but my supplications are against their wickedness.

6 Their leaders are scattered on the cliffs, and hear my words that they are meek.

7 As if the earth were being split and crushed in pieces; Our bones are crumbling in the jaws of hell.

8 But to thee, O Lord, O Lord, my eyes are unto thee; in Thee I trust, cast not away my soul!

9 Keep me from the snares set for me, from the snares of the wicked.

10 The wicked shall fall into their nets, but I will pass over.

Psalm 141

David's teaching. His prayer when he was in the cave.

1 With my voice I cried unto the Lord, with my voice I prayed unto the Lord;

2 I have poured out my supplication before him; my sorrow was revealed to Him.

3 When my spirit fainted within me, Thou didst know my path. In the way I walked, they secretly set nets for me.

4 I look on the right side, and I see that no one acknowledges me: there is no refuge for me, no one cares for my soul.

5 I have cried unto thee, O Lord, I have said, Thou art my refuge and my portion in the land of the living.

6 Внемли воплю моему, ибо я очень изнемог; избавь меня от гонителей моих, ибо они сильнее меня.

7 Выведи из темницы душу мою, чтобы мне славить имя Твое. Вокруг меня соберутся праведные, когда Ты явишь мне благодеяние.

Псалом 142

Псалом Давида, [когда он преследуем был сыном своим Авессаломом].

1 Господи! услышь молитву мою, внемли молению моему по истине Твоей; услышь меня по правде Твоей