Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments
Chapter 19
1 Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity, than a man with a lying mouth, and a fool at that.
2 It is not good for the soul without knowledge, and he who hastens will stumble with his feet.
3 A man's foolishness perverteth his way, and his heart is angry with the Lord.
4 Wealth adds many friends, but the poor man is left to his friend also.
5 A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who tells a lie will not be saved.
6 Many ingratiate themselves with the noble, and every one is a friend of the man who gives gifts.
7 The poor man is hated by all his brethren, how much more do his friends depart from him: he pursues them to speak, but even this is not there.
8 He that gaineth understanding loveth his own soul; he who observes prudence finds good.
9 A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who tells a lie will perish.
10 It is unbecoming of a fool to be pompous, how much more to a servant to have dominion over princes.
11 Prudence makes a man slow to anger, and it is his glory to be lenient to transgressions.
12 The king's wrath is like the roar of a lion, and his favor is like dew on the grass.
13 A foolish son is a crush to his father, and a quarrelsome wife is a sewer.
14 A house and possessions are an inheritance from parents, but a prudent wife is from the Lord.
15 Slothfulness plunges into drowsiness, and a slothful soul will suffer hunger.
16 Хранящий заповедь хранит душу свою, а нерадящий о путях своих погибнет.
17 Благотворящий бедному дает взаймы Господу, и Он воздаст ему за благодеяние его.
18 Наказывай сына своего, доколе есть надежда, и не возмущайся криком его.
19 Гневливый пусть терпит наказание, потому что, если пощадишь его, придется тебе еще больше наказывать его.
20 Слушайся совета и принимай обличение, чтобы сделаться тебе впоследствии мудрым.