Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

20 For if thou hast punished thy enemies to thy sons, and those who are guilty of death, with such mercy and mercy, giving them time and inducement to be delivered from evil,

21 With what attention hast thou judged thy sons, to whose fathers thou hast sworn oaths and covenants of good promises?

22 Therefore, when you admonish us, you punish our enemies a thousand times, so that when we judge, we may think of your goodness, and when we are judged, we may expect mercy.

23 Wherefore thou hast tormented also those wicked men who spent their lives in foolishness with their own abominations,

24 For they have gone very far in the ways of error, being deceived like foolish children, and considering for gods those of the beasts which were also despised by their enemies.

25 Wherefore, as foolish children, thou hast sent them chastisement also.

26 But not being understood by the accusatory ridicule, they experienced the well-deserved judgment of God.

27 For what they themselves endured with vexation, seeing the same thing in those whom they considered gods, and by whom they were punished, they came to know the true God, whom they had formerly denied to know;

28 Wherefore the final condemnation came upon them.

Глава 13

1 Подлинно суетны по природе все люди, у которых не было ведения о Боге, которые из видимых совершенств не могли познать Сущего и, взирая на дела, не познали Виновника,

2 а почитали за богов, правящих миром, или огонь, или ветер, или движущийся воздух, или звездный круг, или бурную воду, или небесные светила.

3 Если, пленяясь их красотою, они почитали их за богов, то должны были бы познать, сколько лучше их Господь, ибо Он, Виновник красоты, создал их.

4 А если удивлялись силе и действию их, то должны были бы узнать из них, сколько могущественнее Тот, Кто сотворил их;