Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

Chapter 12

1 And the word of the Lord came to me, saying,

2 Son of man! you live in the midst of a rebellious house; they have eyes to see, but they do not see; they have ears to hear, but they do not hear; because they are a rebellious house.

3 But thou, son of man, prepare for thee the things that are necessary for the transmigration, and in the middle of the day shalt transmigrate before their eyes, and transmigrate from thy place to another place before their eyes. perhaps they will understand, although they are a rebellious house;

4 And thou shalt bring out thy goods, as things that are necessary in the migration, by day, before their eyes, and thou shalt go out in the evening before their eyes, as they go out to carry away.

5 Break a hole in the wall before their eyes, and bring it out through it.

6 Take the burden on your shoulder before their eyes, bring it out in the dark, cover your face, that you may not see the earth; for I have set thee as a sign unto the house of Israel.

7 And I did as I was commanded; My belongings, as things necessary for the migration, he carried out during the day, and in the evening he broke a hole in the wall with his hand, in the darkness he carried out the burden and lifted it on his shoulder before their eyes.

8 And the word of the Lord came to me in the morning, saying,

9 сын человеческий! не говорил ли тебе дом Израилев, дом мятежный: «что ты делаешь?»

10 Скажи им: так говорит Господь Бог: это – предвещание для начальствующего в Иерусалиме и для всего дома Израилева, который находится там.

11 Скажи: я знамение для вас; что делаю я, то будет с ними, – в переселение, в плен пойдут они.

12 И начальствующий, который среди них, впотьмах поднимет ношу на плечо и выйдет. Стену проломают, чтобы отправить его через нее; он закроет лице свое, так что не увидит глазами земли сей.

13 И раскину на него сеть Мою, и будет пойман в тенета Мои, и отведу его в Вавилон, в землю Халдейскую, но он не увидит ее, и там умрет.