Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

4 Елтолад, Вефул и Хорма,

5 Циклаг, Беф-Маркавоф и Хацар-Суса,

6 Беф-Леваоф и Шарухен: тринадцать городов с их селами.

7 Аин, Риммон, Ефер и Ашан: четыре города с селами их,

8 и все села, которые находились вокруг городов сих даже до Ваалаф-Беера, или южной Рамы. Вот удел колена сынов Симеоновых, по племенам их.

9 От участка сынов Иудиных выделен удел [колену] сынов Симеоновых. Так как участок сынов Иудиных был слишком велик для них, то сыны Симеоновы и получили удел среди их удела.

10 Третий жребий выпал сынам Завулоновым по племенам их, и простирался предел удела их до Сарида;

11 Their border goes up to the sea, and to the Maral, and adjoineth the Dabesheth, and adjoineth the brook which is before Jokneam;

12 From Sarid he goes back to the east side, to the east of the sun, to the border of Kislof-Tabor; from thence he goes to Davrath and ascends to Japhiah;

13 From thence he goes eastward to Gath-hepher, to Ittu-katzin, and goes to Rimmon, Miphoar, and Neit;

14 And he turns the border from the north to Hannatho, and ends in the valley of Yiphtah-el;

15 Further: Kattaf, Nagalal, Shimron, Ideala, and Bethlehem: the twelve cities with their villages.

16 This is the inheritance of the children of Zebulun, according to their families; these are their cities and villages.

17 The fourth lot was drawn for Issachar, the sons of Issachar, according to their families;

18 And their border was Jezreel, and Kesulloth, and Shunem;

19 Hafaraim, Shion, and Anacharath,

20 Rabbith, Kishion, and Avetz,

21 Remeth, En-Ghannim, En-haddah, and Beth-patzez;

22 And the border adjoineth Tabor, and Shagatzim, and Bethshemish, and the border thereof ends at the Jordan: sixteen cities with their villages.

23 This is the inheritance of the tribe of the sons of Issachar according to their families; these are their cities and villages.

24 The fifth lot went out to the tribe of the sons of Asher, according to their families;

25 And their border was Helkath, and Hali and Beten, and Ahsath;

26 Alamelech, Amad, and Mishal; and the border adjoins Carmel on the western side, and Shihor-libnath;

27 And he goes back to the east of the sun to Beth-dagon, and adjoins Zebulun, and the valley of Yiphtah-el on the north, and goes into Beth-emek and Neiel, and goes to Cabul on the left side.

28 Further, Euron, Rehob, Hammon, and Cana, as far as Sidon the Great;

29 Then the border returns to Ramah to the fortified city of Tyre, and turns the border to Hossa, and ends by the sea, in the place of Achzibeh.

30 further: Ummah, Afek, and Rehov: twenty-two cities with their villages.

31 This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Asher, according to their families; these are their cities and villages.