«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Anthem 14. Those who were united with God in this life through the communion of the Holy Spirit, and after their repose from this life, will dwell with Him forever. If not, the opposite will be true of those who are different.

The beginning of my life has an end, and the end is the beginning. I don't know where I'm coming from, I don't know where I am, and I don't know, miserable, where I'm going again. I am born as earth from earth, and as body from body, being, of course, corruptible and mortal from perishable. I spend a little time on earth, living in the flesh, and I die, and, passing from this life, I begin to live another. I leave a body in the earth, which will then be resurrected and will live an endless life forever.

Therefore, look now, O God, now have pity, the only Merciful, now have mercy on me. Now my strength has left me, I have approached old age - the threshold of death. The prince of peace is coming to try my shameful and abominable deeds and deeds; the executioners are standing, looking fiercely at me and waiting for the command to seize and drag my unfortunate soul into the abyss of hell.

But Thou, by nature gracious and loving to mankind and All-Merciful Lord, have mercy on me then; remember not my iniquities, and forsake me not; Do not give power over me to my treacherous enemy, who threatens me every hour, growling at me, gnashing his teeth and saying:

What do you hope for? do you hope to escape my hands, because, having forsaken me and despised my commandments, you have joined to Christ? But there is no way you can escape. For where will you go? Thou canst never escape from me, who drove Adam and Eve out of Paradise, who made Cain a fratricide, who deceived all mortals in the flood, and in a pitiful manner plunged them into error and a terrible death, who deceived David into adultery and murder, who made war against all the saints, and who slew many, and thou, who are weak, hope to escape me altogether?

Hearing this, O my Lord and God, and my Creator, Creator and Judge, who has power over my soul and body, as the Creator of both, I, miserable, am terrified, tremble and tremble. And he, the treacherous one, reproaching me, says to me, my Christ:

You do not watch and do not abstain from prayer, you do not make prostrations, you do not perform the labors that you once began, and for this alone I will separate you from Christ and take you with me into the inextinguishable fire.

But I, as Thou knowest, O Lord, have never considered the salvation of my soul in my deeds and deeds, but I have recourse to Thy mercy, trusting that Thou wilt save me freely, as the All-Merciful, and have mercy on me, as God did, just as once upon a time the harlot and the prodigal son, who said, "I have sinned." With such faith, with such hope, I have come, with such hope I have approached Thee, O Lord. And now I pray that he may not boast before me, Thy servant, saying, Where is thy Christ, where is thy Defender? Did He not Himself deliver you into my hands? For if he deceives me and takes me captive, he will not attribute it to my will and negligence, but will blame everything on You, who have forsaken me, saying thus:

Look, Him in Whom you trusted, look, Him to Whom you have come, look. He of whom you thought He was well pleased with you and loved you, of whom you boasted that He had received you as brother and friend, son and heir, how did He forsake you and deliver into my hands, your enemy, suddenly betraying you and suddenly hating you?

Hearken therefore and do not forsake me, O Saviour, do not suffer me to become Thy reproach, O my God. My King and Lord, who once plucked me out of darkness, from his hands and mouth, and left me free in Thy light. For when I see Thee, I am wounded in the depths of my heart, and not being able to look upon Thee, I cannot bear not to see Thee; Thy beauty is unapproachable, Thy appearance inimitable, and Thy glory incomparable. And who has ever seen You? or who could see Thee all, my God? For what eye is able to see all things? What mind could comprehend Him above all, or embrace Him, or embrace Him all, and see Him containing all things, outside all things abiding and appearing to all, filling all things and existing outside of all things in an ineffable way?

And yet I see Thee as the sun, I behold Thee as a star, as a lamp lit within a vessel, and I carry Thee in the bowels like a pearl. But since Thou dost not reveal Thyself any more, since Thou dost not make all of me light, and Thou dost not reveal Thyself to me, what and how great Thou art to be, I think that I do not have Thee at all, my life, but I weep hopelessly, like one who has gone from rich to beggar, and from famous to inglorious. Seeing this, the enemy says to me: "You cannot be saved, for you have fallen away and made a mistake in your hopes, since you do not have, as you once did, boldness towards God." Without deigning to say a word to him, I blow on him, and he immediately disappears.

Thus, I beseech and beseech Thee, O Lord, to be merciful to me, O my Saviour, that even when my soul departs from the body, I may with one breath put to shame those who attack me, Thy servant (the demons), and, protected by the light of Thy Spirit, I may pass unharmed and stand before Thy judgment seat in the light of Thy Divine grace, O Christ, which covers and enlightens me all. For who dares to appear before Thee who is not clothed with it? Or can anyone behold Thy intolerable glory without having it within and not enlightened by it?

For how can man see the glory of God and the low human nature, the nature of the Godhead? After all, God is uncreated, we are all created. He is the incorruptible, we. - decay and dust. He is the Spirit who surpasses all spirit, as the Creator of spirits and the Lord, we are flesh and earthly beings. He is the Creator of everything, beginningless and incomprehensible, we are worms, dirt and ashes. And who among us would ever be able to see Him by His own efforts, if He Himself had not sent His Divine Spirit, and, having imparted strength, strength, and power to our feeble nature through Him, would not have made man capable of seeing His Divine glory? For otherwise no man will see or be able to see the Lord coming in Glory.