«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

If, therefore, the Light which is for souls is united with my soul, it will either be extinguished and become darkness, or my soul, having been enlightened, will be like light.

For when light is kindled, darkness vanishes.

Such is the property of visible light.

But if this created light does in you that which enlightens your eyes, and gladdens your soul, and allows you to see what you have not seen before, then what will not its Creator do, having shone in your soul, Who said: "Let there be light," and it immediately came to pass?

And so, what do you think, if He shines intelligently in your heart or mind, like lightning or like a great sun, then what can He do to the soul that is illumined?

Will He not enlighten her and make her know Who He is?

Yes, truly, so it is and so it is done, thus the grace of the Spirit is revealed, both through Him and in Him, both the Son and the Father.

And such a person sees Them as far as it is possible for him to see, and then from Them he inexpressibly learns, and speaks, and describes it to all others,

expounding the Divine dogmas, as all the Holy Fathers who preceded them teach; for in this way they composed the divine Symbol, having become such, as we have said, they spoke and spoke with God and about God.

For who has theologized about the Trinitarian Unity, or who has overthrown heresies without becoming one?

Or who was called holy without partaking of the Holy Spirit? - No one ever, as the mental Light usually comes tangibly to those to whom it appears.

Those who say that they partake of Him without feeling call themselves insensible.

And we call them dead, devoid of life, although they imagine that they live. Oh, seduction! Oh, madness!

But, O Light, shine in them, shine forth, so that when they see Thee, they may be convinced that Thou art truly Light, and those with whom Thou art united, Thou dost liken Thyself and make them as it were light.