
167 (174). To the widow

(In that he has not written to her until now, he justifies himself by the fear of exposing her to some danger from his ill-wishers; he advises her to have the fear of God in her heart and to receive everyone into the communion of prayers. (Written about 374 A.D.))

With a strong desire to write often to your nobility, I have always restrained myself from suggesting that I am bringing some kind of temptation upon you, because they are disposed towards me, and, as I hear, they extend their enmity to such an extent that they find out if anyone has ever received my letter. But since you yourself (which you did well) began a correspondence and wrote to me, asking, as befits your advice, on matters concerning your soul, I also am moved to write to you, both as a reward for what was lowered in former times, and together in response to what was written by your nobility.

Blessed is the soul that day and night has no other care than this alone, but on that great day when all creation will stand before the Judge to give an account of its deeds, and it will not hesitate to answer for its life. Whoever has this day and hour before his eyes and always thinks about justification at the infallible Judgment Seat, will either not sin at all, or will sin very little, because we sin because of the absence of the fear of God in us. Therefore, remember God, have the fear of God in your heart, and receive all into the communion of prayer. For great is the help of those who are able to propitiate God. And you don't stop doing it. For prayer will be a good helper to us in this life as long as we live in this flesh, and it will serve as a sufficient farewell to those who depart from here for the age to come. But just as solicitude is a good deed, so again despondency, despair, and hopelessness in salvation harm the soul. Therefore, trust in the goodness of God and wait for God's intercession, knowing that if we turn to Him as we should and sincerely, not only will He not reject us at all, but while we are still pronouncing the words of prayer, He will say: "Here I am!"

175 (182). To the presbyters of Samosata

(He gives thanks for their steadfastness in the faith and asks for their reward from the Lord. (Written in 374 A.D.))

As much as I grieve, imagining the widowhood of the Church, so much do I bless you, who have attained such a measure of podvig, which may the Lord grant you to perform courageously, so that you may receive a great reward both for the faithful dispensation and for the courageous firmness which you have shown for the name of Christ.

176 (183). К правителям самосатским

(Хвалит их усердие к добрым делам, советует быть в сем твердыми и просит писать к нему. (Писано в 374 г.))

Когда посмотрю, что искушение разлилось уже по всей Вселенной и что значительнейшие города Сирии претерпели страдания, равные вашим, но не везде вижу, чтобы советодательное сословие было так искусно и отличалось добрыми делами, как прославляется теперь ваше усердие к добрым делам, тогда бываю близок к тому, чтобы радоваться настоящему положению Дел. Ибо если бы не было этой скорби, то не обнаружилось бы и ваше искусство. Посему видно: что горнило для золота, то ревнителям какой–либо добродетели скорбь за упование на Бога.

Если же будете помнить меня и писать ко мне всякий раз, когда можно, то поступите справедливо, воздавая мне равным за равное и вместе немало обрадуете присылая в письмах явственные символы вашего приятнейшего для меня голоса.