The Old Testament (Part 2)

11 I gave my daughter to seven men, and when they came in to her, they died that same night. But now be cheerful! And Tobias said, I will eat nothing here until you come to an agreement and make an agreement with me. Raguel said, Take her now by right; you are her brother, and she is yours. May the merciful God arrange you in the best possible way!

12 And he called Sarah his daughter, and took her hand, and gave her to Tobiah to wife, and said, 'Behold, according to the law of Moses, take her, and bring her to your father.' And blessed them.

13 And he called Edna his wife, and took the scroll, and wrote the covenant, and sealed it.

14 And they began to eat.

15 And Raguel called Edna his wife, and said to her, 'Sister, prepare another bedchamber, and bring her in.'

16 And she did as he said; And she brought her there, and wept, and received her daughter's tears in return, and said to her,

17 Calm down, daughter; The Lord of heaven and earth will give you joy instead of your sorrow. Calm down, my daughter!

Chapter 8

1 When supper was finished, Tobias was brought in to her.

2 And as he was walking, he remembered the words of Raphael, and took the incense burner, and put the heart and the liver of the fish, and smoked.

3 The demon, smelling this smell, fled to the upper countries of Egypt, and the angel bound him.

4 When they were alone in the room, Tobias got up from his bed and said, "Get up, sister, and let us pray that the Lord will have mercy on us."

5 And Tobias began to say, Blessed art thou, O God of our fathers, and blessed be thy holy and glorious name for ever. May the heavens and all Thy creatures bless Thee!

6 Thou didst create Adam, and gave him Eve for his helper, and his wife for his support. From them came the human race. Thou hast said, It is not good for the man to be alone, let us make a helper like unto him.