The Old Testament (Part 2)

17 И грех этих молодых людей был весьма велик пред Господом, ибо они отвращали от жертвоприношений Господу.

18 Отрок же Самуил служил пред Господом, надевая льняной ефод.

19 Верхнюю одежду малую делала ему мать его и приносила ему ежегодно, когда приходила с мужем своим для принесения положенной жертвы.

20 И благословил Илий Елкану и жену его и сказал: да даст тебе Господь детей от жены сей вместо данного, которого ты отдал Господу! И пошли они в место свое.

21 И посетил Господь Анну, и зачала она и родила еще трех сыновей и двух дочерей; а отрок Самуил возрастал у Господа.

22 Илий же был весьма стар и слышал все, как поступают сыновья его со всеми Израильтянами, и что они спят с женщинами, собиравшимися у входа в скинию собрания.

23 И сказал им: для чего вы делаете такие дела? ибо я слышу худые речи о вас от всего народа [Господня].

24 No, my children, the rumor which I hear is not good; you corrupt the people of the Lord;

25 If a man sins against a man, they will pray to God for him. but if a man sins against the Lord, who will be an intercessor for him? But they did not listen to the voice of their father, for the Lord had already decided to put them to death.

26 And the lad Samuel grew more and more in stature, and in favor with the Lord, and with men.

27 And the man of God came to Eli, and said unto him, Thus saith the Lord, Have I not made myself known to thy father's house, while they were yet in Egypt, in the house of Pharaoh?

28 And did he not choose him out of all the tribes of Israel to be his priest, that he should go up to my altar, that he might burn incense, that he might bear the ephod before me? And have I not given to thy father's house from all the sacrifices of the children of Israel who are burned with fire?

29 Why then do you trample under foot my sacrifices and my meal offerings, which I have commanded for my tabernacle, and why do you prefer your sons to me, fattening yourselves with the firstfruits of all the offerings of my people Israel?

30 Therefore thus says the Lord God of Israel: I said then, 'Your house and your father's house shall walk before me forever.' But now the Lord says, Let it not be so, for I will glorify those who glorify Me, and those who dishonor Me will be put to shame.

31 Behold, the days are coming in which I will cut thy arm and the arm of thy father's house, so that there shall be no old man in thy house;

32 And thou shalt see the calamity of my tabernacle, even though the Lord does good to Israel, and an old man shall not be in thy house all the days,

33 I will not put away from thee all from my altar, to afflict thy eyes and torment thy soul; but all the offspring of thy house shall die in middle age.

34 And this is the sign that will follow you with your two sons, Hophni and Phinehas: both of them will die in the same day.

35 And I will appoint for myself a faithful priest; he will walk after my heart and after my soul; and I will make his house strong, and he shall walk before my anointed one always;

36 And every one who remains of thy house shall come to worship him for the sake of a hera of silver and a piece of bread, and shall say, 'Number me in some Levitical office, that I may have sustenance.'

Chapter 3