The Old Testament (Part 2)

7 And now, O Lord, I take this sister of mine, not for the gratification of lust, but truly as a wife: be pleased to have mercy on me, and let me grow old with her.

8 And she said to him, 'Amen.'

E-9 And they both slept peacefully that night. And Raguel arose, and went and dug a grave;

10 And he said, Is not this one also dead?

11 And Raguel came to his house

12 And he said to Edna his wife, 'Send one of the maidservants to see if he is alive; if not, we will bury him, and no one will know.

13 And the maidservant opened the door, and went in, and saw that they were both asleep.

14 And having gone out, she declared to them that he was alive.

15 And Raguel blessed God, saying, Blessed art thou, O God, with every blessing pure and holy. May Thy saints, and all Thy creatures, and all Thy angels, and all Thy elect, bless Thee forever.

16 Blessed art thou that hast made me glad, and it has not happened to me as I thought it was, but hast done to us according to thy great mercy.

17 Blessed art thou that thou hast had mercy on the two only-begotten! Complete mercy, O Lord, upon them: grant them to end their lives in health, with joy and mercy!

18 And he commanded his servants to bury the grave.

19 And he made a wedding feast for them for fourteen days.

20 And Raguel said to him with an oath before the days of the wedding feast were fulfilled, 'Do not go away until these fourteen days of the wedding feast are completed;

21 And then, having taken half of the possessions, go safely to your father: and the rest you will receive when I and my wife die.

Chapter 9

1 И позвал Товия Рафаила и сказал ему:

2 брат Азария, возьми с собою раба и двух верблюдов и сходи в Раги Мидийские к Гаваилу; принеси мне серебро и самого его приведи ко мне на брак;

3 ибо Рагуил обязал меня клятвою, чтоб я не уходил;

4 между тем отец мой считает дни, и если я много замедлю, он будет очень скорбеть.

5 И пошел Рафаил и остановился у Гаваила и отдал ему расписку; а тот принес мешки за печатями и передал ему.