The Old Testament (Part 2)

6 If you turn to him with all your heart and with all your soul, to walk before him in truth, then he will turn to you, and will not hide his face from you. See what He will do to you. Glorify Him with all the words of your mouth, and bless the Lord of righteousness, and exalt the King of the ages. In the land of my captivity I glorify Him, and preach His power and majesty to a people of sinners. Turn, you sinners, and do righteousness before him. Who knows, perhaps He will be pleased with you and show you mercy?

7 I exalt my God, and my soul the King of heaven, and rejoices in his majesty.

8 Let all declare him and glorify him in Jerusalem.

9 Jerusalem, holy city! He will punish you for the deeds of your sons, and will again have mercy on the sons of the righteous.

10 Praise the Lord earnestly, and bless the King of the ages, that his tabernacle may be built again in thee with joy, that he may rejoice among thee the captives, and that he may love in thee the wretched unfortunate in all generations of the age.

11 Many nations will come from afar to the name of the Lord God with gifts in their hands, with gifts to the King of heaven; the generations of generations will praise thee with shouts of joy.

12 Cursed are all those who hate you, blessed will be all those who love you forever!

13 Rejoice and rejoice in the sons of the righteous, for they shall be gathered together, and shall bless the Lord of the righteous.

14 Oh, blessed are those who love you! they will rejoice in your peace. Blessed are those who have grieved over all thy afflictions, for they shall rejoice in thee when they see all thy glory, and shall rejoice for ever.

15 May my soul bless God, the great King,

16 For Jerusalem shall be built of sapphire and smaragda, and of costly stones; thy walls, towers, and fortifications are of pure gold;

17 And the squares of Jerusalem shall be lined with beryl, and with anthrax, and with stone from Ophir.

18 In all the streets thereof shall be heard, Alleluia, and they shall praise him, saying, Blessed be God, who hath exalted Jerusalem for all ages.

Chapter 14