The Old Testament (Part 3)

21 Он еще наполнит смехом уста твои и губы твои радостным восклицанием.

22 Ненавидящие тебя облекутся в стыд, и шатра нечестивых не станет.

Глава 9

1 И отвечал Иов и сказал:

2 правда! знаю, что так; но как оправдается человек пред Богом?

3 Если захочет вступить в прение с Ним, то не ответит Ему ни на одно из тысячи.

4 Премудр сердцем и могущ силою; кто восставал против Него и оставался в покое?

5 He moveth mountains, and they shall not know them: he maketh them in his wrath;

6 He hath moved the earth out of its place, and its pillars trembled;

7 He will speak to the sun, and he will not rise, and he will put a seal on the stars.

8 He alone stretches out the heavens, and walketh on the heights of the sea;

9 He made As, Keshil, and Hima,33 and the hiding places of the south;

10 doeth the great, the unsearchable, and the wondrous without number!

11 Behold, he shall pass before me, and I shall not see him; he will pass by, and I will not notice Him.

12 He will take, and who will forbid Him? who will say to Him, What are you doing?

13 God will not turn away his wrath; before Him the champions of pride will fall.

14 How much more can I answer him, and seek words for myself before him?

15 Though I be right, I will not answer, but will beseech my Judge.

16 If I had called, and he answered me, I would not have believed that he had heard my voice,

17 Who in the whirlwind smites me, and multiplies my wounds innocently,

18 He does not let me take a breath, but fills me with sorrows.

19 If He works by force, He is mighty; if by judgment, who shall bring me to Him?

20 If I make excuses, my own mouth will accuse me; if I am innocent, then He will find me guilty.

21 I am innocent; I do not want to know my soul, I despise my life.

22 All are one; therefore I said that He destroys both the blameless and the guilty.

23 If he smites him with a whip suddenly, he laughs at the torture of the innocent.

24 The land is given into the hands of the wicked; He covers the faces of its judges. If not He, then who?

25 My days are faster than a messenger, they run, they see no good,