Sunday Service

Land. And wine rejoices the heart of man, anoint the face with food, and bread strengthens the heart of man. The trees of Poland shall be satisfied, the cedars of Lebanon, which Thou hast planted. There the birds will nest, the Herodian dwelling

He leads them. The mountains are high with food, the stone is the refuge of the hare. He created the moon in time, the sun knew its west. Thou didst set darkness, and there was night in the Sun

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all the beasts of the oak forest will pass away. Snarling skimbs, rapture and seek food from God.

The sun shone and gathered, and they will lie down in their beds. A man will go out to his work and to his work until the evening. As

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Thou hast magnified Thy works, O Lord, Thou hast created all things in wisdom, Thou hast filled the earth

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the creatures of Ivoy. This is the great and vast sea, there is a creep, which is innumerable, a small animal with great ones, there ships sail, this serpent, whom Thou hast created, to curse him. All the

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And they hope to give them food for good time. I will give it to Thee, they will gather it,


I will open my hand to Him, and they will be filled with goodness, but I will turn away Thy faces, and they shall be troubled, and take away their spirit, and perish, and return to their dust. Thou shalt follow Thy Spirit, and they shall be built, and renew the face of the earth. May the glory of the Lord be unto the ages, the Lord shall rejoice in His works, look upon the earth, and make them tremble, touch the mountains, and smoke. I will sing to the Lord in my life, I sing to my God, until I am, that my conversation may delight in Him, and I will rejoice in the Lord. Let the sinners perish from the earth, and the wicked, for they shall not be.

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