Sunday Service


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Bless the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God,

Thou hast been magnified. Thou didst clothe thyself in confession and in majesty. Clothe thyself with light, as with a robe, Stretch out the heavens as with skin. Cover Thy exceeding waters with waters, lay clouds for Thy ascent, walk on the wind. Make Thy angels, Thy spirits, and Thy servants, a flame of fire. Thou shalt build the earth upon its firmament, and it shall not bow down for ever and ever. The abyss is like a garment, its garment, the waters will become on the mountains, because of the prohibition


They will flee from Him, they will fear at the voice of Thy thunder. The mountains rise and the fields descend into the world, Thou hast founded them. Send springs into the wilderness, and the waters shall pass through the midst of the mountains. All the animals of the village are drunk, waiting for the onagri in their thirst. On them the birds of the heavens Graft, from the midst of the stone they will give a voice. Give water to the mountains from Thy exalted ones: from the fruit of Thy works the earth shall be satisfied. Vegetate grass with cattle, and grain for the service of man, bring bread from

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Land. And wine rejoices the heart of man, anoint the face with food, and bread strengthens the heart of man. The trees of Poland shall be satisfied, the cedars of Lebanon, which Thou hast planted. There the birds will nest, the Herodian dwelling

He leads them. The mountains are high with food, the stone is the refuge of the hare. He created the moon in time, the sun knew its west. Thou didst set darkness, and there was night in the Sun

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all the beasts of the oak forest will pass away. Snarling skimbs, rapture and seek food from God.

The sun shone and gathered, and they will lie down in their beds. A man will go out to his work and to his work until the evening. As

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Thou hast magnified Thy works, O Lord, Thou hast created all things in wisdom, Thou hast filled the earth