Sunday Service

Господи, спасение Твое по словеси Твоему. И отвещаю поношающим ми слово, яко уповах на словеса Твоя. И не

отыми от уст моих словесё

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истинна до зела, яко на судьбы

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Твоя уповах, и сохраню закон Твой выну, в век и в век века. И хождах в широте, яко заповеди Твоя взысках. И глаголах о свидёниих Твоих пред цари, и не стыдяхся; и поучахся в заповедех Твоих, яже возлюбих зело; и воздвигох руце мои к заповедем Твоим, яже возлюбих, и глумляхся во оправданиих Твоих. Помяни словеса Твоя рабу

Твоя от века, Господи, и утёшихся. Печаль прият мя от грешник, оставляющих закон Твой. Пета бяху мне оправдания

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Твоя, на месте пришельствия моего. Помянух в нощи имя Твоё,

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Господи, и сохраних закон Твой. Сей бысть мне, яко оправданий Твоих взысках. Часть моя еси, Господи, рех сохранити закон

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Твой. Ііомолихся лицу Твоему всем сердцем моим: помилуй мя по словеси Твоему. Помыслих

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Thy ways, and return my nose to Thy witnesses. Prepare thyself, and be not dismayed to keep thy commandments. A sinner has bound himself to me, and have not forgotten Thy law. Midnight of the East

To Thee about the fate of Thy righteousness. I am a partaker of all those who fear Thee, and keep Thy commandments. O Lord, fill the earth with Thy mercies, teach me Thy righteousness.

Thou hast done goodness to Thy servant, O Lord, according to the word

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Your. Teach me goodness, and chastisement, and understanding, as by Thy commandment. Thou hast not even humbled me first, for I have sinned,


for this reason keep Thy word. Thou art good, O Lord, and teach me Thy goodness by Thy righteousness. Multiply the iniquity of the proud, and with all my heart I will test Thy commandments. Their hearts are as wet as a child, and according to the law

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Learn from you. It is good for me, for Thou hast humbled me, that I may learn by Thy righteousness. The law of Thy mouth is good to me, more than a thousand

gold and silver.

Glory, and now:

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, glory to Thee, O God. (Three times with bows.)

Lord, have mercy. (Three times.) Glory, and now:

Thy hands have created me and created me: enlighten me, and I will learn by Thy commandment. Those who fear Thee shall see me, and shall rejoice, for I trust in Thy words. O Lord,