Sect Studies

2. American Indians by their physical type belong to the race; they are closely related to the peoples of Eastern, Central and North-Eastern Asia. Archaeological evidence proves that the ancestors of today's Indians arrived in the New World (possibly on dry land, since at the end of the ice period there was an isthmus at the site of the Bering Strait) as a result of a long series of migrations of relatively small groups, starting from 25 thousand to 30 thousand years ago.

3. The evidence we have shows that the first people to reach the American continent from the east were the Vikings, who landed on the northeast coast of North America around 1000 A.D. X. We have no evidence to prove that they reached Mexico or Central America.

4. One of the main pieces of evidence supporting the scientific fact that America's contact with Old World civilizations, even if any, was extremely insignificant to the development of American Indian civilization is the fact that none of the major species of domesticated plants or animals of the Old World (with the exception of dogs) existed in the New World in pre-Columbian times. The American Indians did not have wheat, barley, oats, millet, rice, cattle, pigs, chickens, horses, donkeys, camels, etc., until 1492.

5. Iron, steel, glass, and silk were not used in the New World until 1492 (except for the occasional occasional use of raw meteoric iron). Small amounts of local copper were used in a number of places in pre-Columbian times, but true metallurgy was limited to areas of southern Mexico and the Andes, where gold, silver, copper, and their alloys were used in late prehistory, but not iron.

6. There is a possibility of cultural influence spreading across the Pacific Ocean to Central America and to the northwestern coast of South America a few hundred years B.C. X. Such hemispheric contacts, however, occurred as a result of occasional journeys beginning in East and South Asia. We have no direct evidence that these contacts took place at all, but it is clear that there was never contact with the ancient Egyptians, Jews, or other peoples of Western Asia and the Middle East.

7. No self-respecting Egyptologist or other specialist in Old World archaeology, nor any expert in the prehistory of the New World, has discovered or confirmed any connection between archaeological finds in Mexico and archaeological finds in Egypt.

8. Reports of finds of ancient Egyptian, Hebrew, or other Old World writings made in the New World in pre-Columbian times often appeared in newspapers, magazines, and tabloid books. None of these statements stood up to the test of serious scientists. No one has ever been able to prove the appearance in America before 1492 of inscriptions using the forms of the Old World script.

9. The Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History has copies of the Book of Mormon in its library. [128]

Chapter 5. The Watch Tower Society Jehovah's Witnesses

Alcyone is a central, famous star in the constellation of the Pleiades... Alcyone, moreover, as far as it is investigated by science, turns out to be the "midnight throne", which is the center of the whole system of attraction and from which the Almighty governs his universe.

Charles Taze Russell[129]

1. Of all the totalitarian sects operating on the territory of our country, the sect of Jehovah's Witnesses most of all resembles the Communist Party

In terms of the time of its foundation, the sect "Jehovah's Witnesses" chronologically follows the sect of Mormons. It is also known as the Watch Tower Society (OSB). In the previous edition of the book, the following definition was given: it is a pseudo-Christian Arian apocalyptic millenarian (chiliastic) totalitarian sect. However, after reading the literature of Jehovah's Witnesses more carefully, I realized that this definition is superficial and does not reflect the essence of the sect. At this point, I would call the Watch Tower Society a pseudo-religious for-profit organization based on a quasi-communist ideology with elements of paganism and hiding behind a few Christian images and concepts. I will try to prove this point of view in the course of the following story.