Sect Studies

It was this incitement of religious hatred (together with causing harm to the health and life of citizens through coercion to refuse blood transfusions, coercion to destroy families and to refuse to fulfill civic duty) that the Moscow Prosecutor's Office, which sought the dissolution of the religious organization Jehovah's Witnesses, tried to prove to the Golovinsky Intermunicipal Court. [158] However, it is extremely difficult to prove such things in court, and the prosecutor's office underestimated this fact. The trial, which lasted two and a half years, ended only in early 2001 with the victory of the Jehovah's Witnesses. The pressure on the court, thanks to the sect's skillfully organized propaganda campaign, was unprecedented. This is also proved by the fact that the Russian Ministry of Justice decided not to wait for the end of the trial and on April 29, 1999, registered the sect as a centralized religious organization under the strange name "Religious Organization "Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia."

The prosecutor's office challenged the decision of the Golovinsky Court and filed a cassation appeal with the Moscow City Court, which overturned the previous decision and returned the case for a new trial to the Golovinsky Court, but in a new judicial composition. But whatever decision is made, the hatred of the Jehovah's Witnesses for other confessions and, above all, for traditional Christianity is obvious.

3. We have before us a system that can be characterized primarily as crudely pagan

It is very difficult to talk about the doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses, because it is constantly changing. In the little over a hundred years of the existence of this sect, its doctrine has been rebuilt many times in the most radical way. It can be said that the most invariable point of the Jehovist teaching is its changeability. But all these changes can only come from the organization itself, which determines what its members should believe in at any given moment. Therefore, in the end, the only thing that Jehovah's Witnesses believe in completely and unconditionally is in the organization itself. All other objects of faith (including even Jehovah himself, his attributes and attributes, and his commandments), as history shows, can easily be changed by the leadership of the organization.

This has happened repeatedly, and the new generations of Jehovah's Witnesses do not even suspect that quite recently their organization preached a completely different faith. All the undesirable past is completely erased from their memory. The domination of the past, which Orwell wrote about in the already mentioned novel "1984" ("Who controls the past, controls the present. Who controls the present controls the future") was brought to perfection in the sect of Jehovah's Witnesses.

The following exposition of the doctrine and characteristics of Jehovah's Witnesses refers only to the situation in the last years of the twentieth century and the first year of the twenty-first century. I think this will become clear to the reader from the exposition itself.

Sectarians constantly emphasize that God's name is Jehovah, this is His only name, which for some reason has been rejected by all the churches that call Him anything but by the name by which He called Himself. In the opinion of the Jehovah's Witnesses, this also proves that all churches belong to Satanism. Jehovah is a notoriously distorted pronunciation of the Hebrew word "He Who Is" (now it is considered more correct to pronounce Yahweh). "I am He that is," that is, "He Who is," said the Lord when He appeared to Moses in a burning bush (Exodus 3:14). However, according to the testimony of the Gospel, the name "He Who Is" refers to God the Son – the Lord Jesus Christ (John 8:25 and other passages) as well as to God the Father.

However, the sectarian Jehovah has nothing to do with God the Father of Christians, nor with the God of the Jews. The idea of one's own god among the Jehovah's Witnesses is crudely materialistic. It is limited in space, i.e., localized, not omnipresent, and exists in time (i.e., not unchanging):

… Where there is intellect, there is reason. Where there is a mind, there is a brain in a body of a certain shape... God is a person with a spiritual body... Heaven is the "dwelling place" of God...

The power plant is located at a specific location in or near the city. But it supplies electricity to the entire neighborhood. The situation is similar with God (! — A. D.). He lives in heaven. However, His holy spirit, His invisible active power, can be felt everywhere, in the entire universe. Through His holy spirit, God created the heavens, the earth, and all living things. God did not need to be present in person to create all of this. He can send His spirit, His active power, and do what He wants, even if He is very far away. [159]

Initially, the Jehovah's Witnesses believed that God was permanently located on the star Alcyone in the Pleiades constellation: it was not until 1953 that the mention of this star as the place of God's residence disappeared from their publications (see the epigraph to this chapter).

Jehovah was preceded not only by time but also by space: "Before he began to create his creatures, Jehovah was completely alone in outer space." [160] Moreover, from the Jehovist description, he appears as the supreme egoist: "At the same time, He could not feel loneliness, since He is perfect in Himself and needs no one." [161] The primitive theories of sectarians, who imagine their god as a self-satisfied and self-satisfied egoist, most clearly illustrate "from the opposite" that the words of the Apostle "God is love" (1 John 4:8) are a Trinitarian formula.