Sect Studies

Man cannot communicate directly with a self-sufficient Jehovah. God, who has a "spiritual body," communicates directly only with persons like him who dwell in "spiritual bodies," in Jehovistic terminology, with "gods." Man can learn about it only indirectly: by studying the world he created[162] and reading the Bible, which he transmitted telepathically to his chosen ones: "In view of the fact that God created reason, it was certainly not difficult for Him to enter into contact with the mind of His servants in order to provide them with the necessary information for writing." [163] Naturally, Jehovah can be known through the Bible only by reading Jehovah's Witness publications.

The Jehovah's Witnesses deny the Divinity of Jesus Christ, Who for them is a kind of supreme creation of God, but nothing more: "The first spiritual personality created by God appears to him as it were (emphasis added. — A.D.) the firstborn son." [164] They say that at first this creature was called Logos (He was called the Word of God. This title shows that He served in heaven as One who speaks for God[165]), then it became known as Michael the Archangel, and then for a time became man. Naturally, it never was and could never be God, since only man could redeem man. But on the other hand, "God loves him very much and will use him in order to destroy bad people and save obedient ones." [166] With a strange love Jehovah loves his "son as it were," whom he uses as an executioner. Well, if "like a son", then "like love". Let us also pay attention to the fact that the antonym of the word "bad" in the Jehovistic text is not the word "good," but the word "obedient."

The trouble is that Jehovah's Witnesses do not distinguish between the terms "to give birth" and "to create":

Jesus was a powerful spirit person in heaven. He had a spiritual invisible body, similar to the body of God (! – A.D.) <... > He was also called the "firstborn" and "only-begotten" Son... This means that He was created before all other spiritual sons of God, and that He alone was created directly by God. The Bible explains that this "firstborn Son participated with Jehovah in the creation of all other things. So when God said, "Let us make man in our image," He spoke to His Son. [167]

The purpose of Christ's earthly mission is described very touchingly in a pro-Jehovah's Witness source:

While on earth, Jesus performed miracles to help those who suffered, to prove that he was the Son of God, and to make known to all the possibilities he would realize when he reigned over the earth. [168]

In other words, the Jehovah's Christ on earth conducted an exemplary election campaign...

Contrary to the Holy Scriptures, Jehovah's Witnesses also deny the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The man Jesus Christ is dead forever, he was resurrected in a spiritual body, they say. As for the empty tomb, they explain it as follows: either the body dissolved in gases, or Jehovah preserved it until it was presented at the Last Judgment.

Jehovah's Witnesses reject the Cross of Christ, claiming that "Jesus" was crucified on a stake. However, until 1931 they fully recognized the cross, without disagreeing with such an obvious fact. But beginning with the October 15, 1931 issue, the image of the cross and crown disappeared from the cover of The Watchtower. A few years later, "Jehovah's people" learned for the first time that Jesus Christ did not die on a T-cross. On January 31, 1936, the then leader of the sect, "Brother Rutherford," presented the Brooklyn Bethel family with a new book, Riches. In particular, on page 27, it said: "Jesus was not crucified on a wooden cross, which is represented in many images and paintings and whose images people make and parade; Jesus was crucified, nailed to a tree." [169] Since then, the Cross has been subjected to many insults in Watch Tower publications. It is also called a pagan and phallic symbol,[170] which can be attributed rather to the Jehovah's Witness pillar. Why do the Jehovah's Witnesses treat the Cross of Christ with such hatred? The Apostle Paul gave an answer to this question long ago: "For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God" (1 Cor. 1:18).

Jehovah's Witnesses also deny the Holy Trinity. In their publications, it is written that every teaching about the Trinity comes from Satan. If, as noted above, in their texts the word "Satan" is always written with a capital letter, then the word "trinity" is always written with a small letter. Jesus Christ was not God, as they write, and the Holy Spirit is not only not God, but not a person at all, but some impersonal force (as we have seen above, like electricity), so (!) every person who confesses the Trinity confesses pure Satanism.