Sect Studies

While on earth, Jesus performed miracles to help those who suffered, to prove that he was the Son of God, and to make known to all the possibilities he would realize when he reigned over the earth. [168]

In other words, the Jehovah's Christ on earth conducted an exemplary election campaign...

Contrary to the Holy Scriptures, Jehovah's Witnesses also deny the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The man Jesus Christ is dead forever, he was resurrected in a spiritual body, they say. As for the empty tomb, they explain it as follows: either the body dissolved in gases, or Jehovah preserved it until it was presented at the Last Judgment.

Jehovah's Witnesses reject the Cross of Christ, claiming that "Jesus" was crucified on a stake. However, until 1931 they fully recognized the cross, without disagreeing with such an obvious fact. But beginning with the October 15, 1931 issue, the image of the cross and crown disappeared from the cover of The Watchtower. A few years later, "Jehovah's people" learned for the first time that Jesus Christ did not die on a T-cross. On January 31, 1936, the then leader of the sect, "Brother Rutherford," presented the Brooklyn Bethel family with a new book, Riches. In particular, on page 27, it said: "Jesus was not crucified on a wooden cross, which is represented in many images and paintings and whose images people make and parade; Jesus was crucified, nailed to a tree." [169] Since then, the Cross has been subjected to many insults in Watch Tower publications. It is also called a pagan and phallic symbol,[170] which can be attributed rather to the Jehovah's Witness pillar. Why do the Jehovah's Witnesses treat the Cross of Christ with such hatred? The Apostle Paul gave an answer to this question long ago: "For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God" (1 Cor. 1:18).

Jehovah's Witnesses also deny the Holy Trinity. In their publications, it is written that every teaching about the Trinity comes from Satan. If, as noted above, in their texts the word "Satan" is always written with a capital letter, then the word "trinity" is always written with a small letter. Jesus Christ was not God, as they write, and the Holy Spirit is not only not God, but not a person at all, but some impersonal force (as we have seen above, like electricity), so (!) every person who confesses the Trinity confesses pure Satanism.

The Kingdom of God in heaven is commonly referred to by Jehovah's Witnesses as "God's government." Jehovah's teaching about the end times says that there were allegedly several presences of Jesus Christ on earth. The first presence is three and a half years, the period from his baptism to his death; the second presence began in 1914, when Christ, who had been resurrected spiritually, turned his attention to earthly affairs and began to separate the sheep from the goats and to raise up real Christians to prepare them for his second coming and how to survive the coming Armageddon—that is, there is now a preliminary period of separation of the sheep from the goats (an obvious borrowing from Adventism). [171] In 1914, Jehovah appointed Christ as King, the head of his heavenly government.

Jesus began his work as King with the casting down of Satan and all his henchmen, the rebellious angels, to earth, which brought about innumerable misfortunes for mankind. Satan, who is the "god of this world," is in great rage. Under his power were not only individuals, but also entire nations, earthly authorities, state structures, economic systems, political and religious organizations (apparently because they did not believe the sect in their time. — A.D.): "The world system of things is ruled by people who have inherited imperfection. Many of them are corrupt, and some are outright evil. None of them turn to Jehovah for wisdom. This leads to a lot of human suffering... The Bible reveals that the dominant power behind this world comes from Satan..." (The Watchtower. July 1, 1997, p. 8.)

First the First World War broke out, and then the Second World War. Numerous local wars, revolutions and riots broke out. The world began to be shaken by economic crises and environmental disasters. Epidemics have struck humanity. Millions of the dispossessed are condemned to poverty and hunger. By provoking all this, Satan feels that his power on earth is not eternal and therefore rages without measure, as evidenced by the above-mentioned disasters experienced by mankind after 1914. However, Jehovah has appointed a day when he will intervene in the affairs of the earth, and then Satan's power on earth will come to an end. [172]

Jehovah's Witnesses have on several occasions definitely and unequivocally predicted the bodily coming of Jesus Christ and the end of the world (in their current terminology, "the end of this evil system of things"), first in 1914 (but then only his "spiritual coming," as they later explained), then in 1918 (but he did not come either), then in 1925, when Abraham was to be resurrected and come to earth. Isaac, Jacob and other prophets, which would have been the threshold of the Second Coming (but again, as we know, nothing of the kind happened). Unlike some other sects, which in such cases admitted that there was a mistake and the prophecy did not come true, the Jehovah's Witnesses each time twisted and distorted their own predictions, so it turned out that in 1914 the "coming of Christ in the Spirit" took place, in 1918 Christ "entered the spiritual temple and began to cleanse it" – this was the beginning of the "preliminary Judgment", the end of which was predicted in 1975. which would lead to the end of "this evil system of things". But 1975 passed, and again nothing happened.

After the failure of their first prophecies, the Jehovah's Witnesses abandoned the idea that Christ would appear bodily at His Second Coming: