Sect Studies

If Christ had come as a man and sat down at the earthly throne, He would have taken a position below the angels. But He comes more powerful and more magnificent than all those spirit sons of God, and therefore He's just as invisible as they are. Having given His flesh for the life of the world, Christ could never have taken it back and become man again. For this basic reason, His return could never have taken place in the human body that He sacrificed once and for all. Christ's return does not mean His return to this earth in a literal sense. Rather, it means that He will accept royal authority over the earth and turn His attention to it. To do this, He does not need to leave His heavenly throne and literally return to earth. [173]

Today, Jehovah's Witnesses believe that earthly history must end with a bloody Armageddon, when Christ, in the form of the Archangel Michael, will invisibly descend to earth at His Second Coming, leading Jehovah's army, which will physically exterminate all the "infidels." At first, the sectarians said that 2 billion of the world's population would be drowned in blood, now it turns out that there should be 6 billion. According to some reports, the sect used to teach that in battle the faithful Jehovah's Witnesses would be on the side of God, they would receive weapons in their hands and would help Christ-Michael deal with all the infidels. Thus, the Jehovah's Witnesses have no moral obstacles to genocide. True, now Jehovah's Witnesses, as a rule, claim that they themselves will not kill anyone, but will only enjoy the spectacle of the slaughter of all their enemies by the heavenly host, and when it is all over, they will take part in cleansing the Earth of the remaining "garbage" (obviously, from billions of human bodies), and that, they say, they have never taught about their participation in Armageddon, which will be carried out in a supernatural way. without the help of people.

However, the author has a Danish acquaintance who was born into a family of Jehovah's Witnesses. He found the strength to break with the sect, now he lives a different life. Here is his story about his childhood memories. He went to school and had little contact with other children (any holidays – even birthdays – are forbidden for them, as well as games with the children of "infidels"), but he knew that Christ was about to come and then he would be given a machine gun in his hands, and he would have to kill all his fellow students. With this, he grew up. One can imagine the impact this had on the child's psyche.

Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in the immortality of the soul, which, according to their unbiblical teaching, dies with the body. They don't believe in hell either. They say that God cannot subject people to eternal torment, He is merciful, and a merciful owner will not torment a rabid dog, but will simply take and shoot it. There are people who will be resurrected (or rather, will be recreated anew – body and soul) and be saved, while the rest will be destroyed forever.

According to the teaching of Jehovah's Witnesses, only 144,000 faithful will receive complete salvation (they read this figure in the Book of Revelation of John the Theologian). They are said to have been appointed by Jehovah to help Christ, whom he had appointed as the head of the heavenly government, to be kings and priests with him. This teaching was developed by the founder of the sect, Charles Taze Russell (who hoped that by 1914 it would all be over), it is not clear that this number was quickly exhausted, and there are already millions of Jehovah's Witnesses. Already in the 30s, Russell's successors had to somehow get out of it, so there was a teaching that in the first resurrection these same 144 thousand faithful will receive only "spiritual (and not physical) bodies and will be taken up to heaven (today it is believed that most of them are already in heaven, and the remaining few thousand are still living on earth and preaching), and the rest will have a resurrection of a lower grade - they will live in paradise on earth in their renewed physical bodies. eating bananas and oranges and walking among palm trees with good tigers, lions, and snakes (this is one of the most frequently used subject subjects for pictures in Jehovah's Witness publications).

What is resurrected after someone dies? Not the body of the deceased. Even those who are resurrected to life on earth will not receive the same body they had in their previous life. That body must have decayed and returned to the earth. Over time, the elements of the dead body may have become part of other living organisms. God will therefore not resurrect the same body, but the same person who died. Those who go to heaven are given a new spiritual body by God. To those who are resurrected to life on earth, He will give a new physical body. This new physical body will undoubtedly be like the one this person had before he died, so that those who knew him will recognize him. [174]

Thus, we see that the resurrected Jehovah's "celestials" will be radically different from those who are promised well-fed slavery in the new earth. The work of earthlings will be no more than 4 hours a day (and after it there will be interesting excursions, cinema and other entertainment), the housing will be comfortable, the food will be of high quality, and everyone will be forcibly happy. The 144,000 first will look down upon them from heaven and rule them with Christ, regulating every aspect of their lives, even the smallest one, while the earthly inhabitants will obey unquestioningly and conscientiously fulfill their divinely given duties. The "bad people" will be exterminated in Armageddon, only the "obedient" will survive. "Refuseniks", parasites and malingerers will remain in the "cursed past" - the "old world". In the new world, everyone will feel good, warm and well-fed. Life without the "wicked" will be bright, rich and free. The inhabitants of the new paradise will move into the vacated houses and use the property accumulated by the "wicked". Laughter and jokes will sound constantly, and the heavy burden of freedom and responsibility will forever be removed from a person. [175]

This will continue for a thousand years, after which all infidels will be resurrected for final destruction at the Last Judgment. The serene life of the Jehovah's Witnesses in paradise will continue for all eternity. The presence of God in all this touching idyll is not visible at all.

In general, we have before us a system that can be characterized primarily as crudely pagan: far away in heaven there is an inaccessible supreme god, limited by a spiritual body, who communicates with the world and chosen people only through minor gods like him (Jesus and angels), who also have only spiritual bodies. To help them, "heroes" from the earth are summoned, who lose their less perfect physical bodies and instead acquire more perfect spiritual ones, thanks to which they also become gods. They are the ones who lead the earthly herd of well-fed slaves with fully satisfied physical needs. That is, the existence of Jehovah's Witnesses in paradise is fundamentally no different from their life in this world, where ordinary members are governed by a deified organization.

Salvation depends only on a person's participation in the affairs of the Watch Tower Society: if you remain a member, you have a chance of salvation, and if you leave, you lose that chance. That is, if you have been distributing literature for 40-50 hours a week all your life, but one day you stopped doing it, then your previous merits will no longer be credited to you. You have fallen away and will go into eternal oblivion. Therefore, some people who were called up after the number of 144 thousand was exhausted still have a small chance of somehow getting into this number: maybe someone out of 144 thousand dropped out at the last moment and small vacancies opened. Therefore, everyone can hope that they have the opportunity not only to eat bananas on earth, but also to penetrate into heaven.