Describing in his history the work of the Freemasons during the Revolution of 1789, Louis Blanc, himself a Freemason, says: "Everywhere above the throne, where the President of the Lodge, or the Master of the Chair, sat, sat was a shining delta, in the middle of which the name of Jehovah was written in Hebrew letters." (Alexander Selyaninov, The Secret Power of Freemasonry, p. 73.)

This is also confirmed by the anti-Masonic writer A. D. Filosofov: "The first," he says, "that strikes everyone who enters a Masonic lodge is the name of Jehovah, surrounded by rays and written in Hebrew over an altar or throne, which must not be approached before passing through two stages, signifying exoteric (external) and esoteric (internal) Freemasonry. It is known that the Freemasons of the Scottish ritual directly recognize themselves as servants of Jehovah, and this not as the God of Christianity, but as the God of the Jews, freeing them from the new duties imposed by the teaching of Christ" (A. D. Filosofov, Exposing the Great Mystery of Freemasonry).


Rituals and symbols are essential to the understanding of the Masonic organization and the aims pursued by Freemasonry. "In rituals and symbols," says Tara Sokolovskaya, "the whole essence of the Masonic organization was revealed: the mystery, the indissoluble connection of each individual member with the whole society, the punishment of traitors, the protection of society and an individual brother, the wide propaganda of Masonic ideas and the struggle for Masonic ideals." Each symbol has its own explanation and interpretation. So, for example, a ruler and a plumb line symbolize the equality of estates. The protractor is a symbol of justice. The compass serves as a symbol of the public, and the square, according to some interpretations, means conscience. Wild stone is coarse morality, chaos, cubic stone is "processed" morality. The hammer is used for processing wild stone. The hammer, being the accessory of the master, serves as a symbol of power. A hammer is a symbol of silence, obedience and conscience, according to other explanations, a hammer means faith. Spatula – condescension to a person's weakness and severity towards oneself. A branch of acacia is immortality; the coffin, skull and bones are contempt for death and sorrow for the disappearance of truth.

The hammer, square and compass are considered the most important symbols.

Freemasons' robes depict virtue. A round hat is a symbol of liberty. A naked sword is a punishing law, a symbol of the struggle for an idea, the execution of villains, and the protection of innocence. The dagger is a symbol of preferring death to defeat, the struggle for life and death. The dagger was worn on a black ribbon, on which was embroidered in silver the motto: "Win or die."

The emblem of world Freemasonry is a five-pointed star.

The seal of Freemasonry, which, according to the interpretation of the deepest researcher of this trend, S. A. Nilus, will also be the seal of the coming Antichrist, is the following geometric figure:

Circle. Two mutually intersecting equilateral triangles included in this circle, one of which is facing upwards and the other pointing downwards.

This seal is the great seal of Freemasonry.

A simpler, so to speak, middle seal is a six-pointed star, i.e. the same large seal, but without a circle.

The small seal of Freemasonry is an equilateral triangle, inverted with the tip down, symbolizing God's adversary, the devil.


The Order of Freemasons is a deeply conspiratorial organization. The Masonic secret is one of the basic rules of the fraternity. Upon admission to Freemasonry, the new entrant takes an oath to maintain deep secrecy and loyalty to his order. The initiate reads the following text of the oath at the reception: "I swear, in the name of the Supreme Builder of all worlds, never to reveal to anyone, without the command of the Order, the secrets of the signs, touches, words, doctrine and customs of Freemasonry, and to keep eternal silence about it, I promise and swear not to betray it in any way, either by pen, sign, word, or body, and also not to communicate about it to anyone for storytelling, neither for writing, nor for printing, nor for any other representation, and never to divulge what I now know and which may be entrusted to me hereafter. If I do not keep this oath, I undertake to suffer the following punishment: let them burn and burn my mouth with a red-hot iron, let them cut off my hand, let them tear out my tongue from my mouth, let my throat be cut, let my corpse be hung in the middle of the bed at the initiation of a new brother, as an object of curse and terror, let it be burned afterwards, and let the ashes be scattered in the air, so that there is no trace or memory of the traitor on earth."