This terrible oath obliges every Mason: none of the Masons has the right to reveal among the uninitiated that any of his brothers belong to Freemasonry.

"Freemasonry should be felt everywhere, and nowhere should it be manifest." (Convention of the Great East. 1922, "Ray of Light" magazine, book. 6.)

By joining the Masonic Order, a Mason belongs entirely and undivided to the latter. A Mason must be a citizen, but he must first and foremost be a Mason.

With the help of secrecy, strict discipline and unquestioning obedience, Freemasons, by their own admission, fight great battles and achieve victories.


Each Masonic lodge and Masonic organization is a center of propaganda. The propaganda of the Order's teaching is carried out not only by Masonic lodges, but also by other organizations built on Masonic principles and having a close and indissoluble connection with Freemasonry, such as: the Young Men's Christian Union, Rosicrucians, Theosophists, Anthroposophists, Occultists and religious sects: Adventists, Methodists, Pentecostals, etc.

Freemasons are pouring into everyday life. They penetrate into people's universities, secular trustees, after-school institutions, etc.

"Sports societies, boy scout unions, entertainment and music clubs, all these organizations that call young people to physical and mental development, are fertile ground for Masonic propaganda. To all this must be added courses for adults where they may be more attended, libraries, etc." (Convention of the Great East, 1923, "Ray of Light" magazine, book. 6.)

Freemasons create the League of Human Rights, the League of Education, the League of Peace, and various societies of free thought, through which secular (non-religious) ideas and social-democratic progress are propagandized. But special attention is paid to anti-religious propaganda.

"Try," the Italian Freemason Piccolo-Tigris instructs his brothers, "to let your own people into various religious brotherhoods and other societies, create them under various insignificant pretexts, but not political or religious; create yourself, or better yet, force others to form alliances with the aim of trade, industry, music, art, etc. Put at their head a virtuous priest, well attested, but trusting, who is easily deceived."

Being a vast organization of propaganda, Freemasonry acts by slow suggestion, preparing for the acceptance of Masonic teaching and spreading this teaching. It is the sacred duty of every Mason to enlighten the whole universe with the light of the royal art of the Freemasons.

Every Mason, assuming the duty of unquestioning obedience, must without hesitation and without hesitation in the interests of the Order make all sacrifices, suffer and die for Masonic ideals, maintaining secrecy and loyalty to the Order.

The motto of the Freemason is: "Be ready!"