The seal of Freemasonry, which, according to the interpretation of the deepest researcher of this trend, S. A. Nilus, will also be the seal of the coming Antichrist, is the following geometric figure:

Circle. Two mutually intersecting equilateral triangles included in this circle, one of which is facing upwards and the other pointing downwards.

This seal is the great seal of Freemasonry.

A simpler, so to speak, middle seal is a six-pointed star, i.e. the same large seal, but without a circle.

The small seal of Freemasonry is an equilateral triangle, inverted with the tip down, symbolizing God's adversary, the devil.


The Order of Freemasons is a deeply conspiratorial organization. The Masonic secret is one of the basic rules of the fraternity. Upon admission to Freemasonry, the new entrant takes an oath to maintain deep secrecy and loyalty to his order. The initiate reads the following text of the oath at the reception: "I swear, in the name of the Supreme Builder of all worlds, never to reveal to anyone, without the command of the Order, the secrets of the signs, touches, words, doctrine and customs of Freemasonry, and to keep eternal silence about it, I promise and swear not to betray it in any way, either by pen, sign, word, or body, and also not to communicate about it to anyone for storytelling, neither for writing, nor for printing, nor for any other representation, and never to divulge what I now know and which may be entrusted to me hereafter. If I do not keep this oath, I undertake to suffer the following punishment: let them burn and burn my mouth with a red-hot iron, let them cut off my hand, let them tear out my tongue from my mouth, let my throat be cut, let my corpse be hung in the middle of the bed at the initiation of a new brother, as an object of curse and terror, let it be burned afterwards, and let the ashes be scattered in the air, so that there is no trace or memory of the traitor on earth."

This terrible oath obliges every Mason: none of the Masons has the right to reveal among the uninitiated that any of his brothers belong to Freemasonry.

"Freemasonry should be felt everywhere, and nowhere should it be manifest." (Convention of the Great East. 1922, "Ray of Light" magazine, book. 6.)

By joining the Masonic Order, a Mason belongs entirely and undivided to the latter. A Mason must be a citizen, but he must first and foremost be a Mason.

With the help of secrecy, strict discipline and unquestioning obedience, Freemasons, by their own admission, fight great battles and achieve victories.


Each Masonic lodge and Masonic organization is a center of propaganda. The propaganda of the Order's teaching is carried out not only by Masonic lodges, but also by other organizations built on Masonic principles and having a close and indissoluble connection with Freemasonry, such as: the Young Men's Christian Union, Rosicrucians, Theosophists, Anthroposophists, Occultists and religious sects: Adventists, Methodists, Pentecostals, etc.

Freemasons are pouring into everyday life. They penetrate into people's universities, secular trustees, after-school institutions, etc.