"Sports societies, boy scout unions, entertainment and music clubs, all these organizations that call young people to physical and mental development, are fertile ground for Masonic propaganda. To all this must be added courses for adults where they may be more attended, libraries, etc." (Convention of the Great East, 1923, "Ray of Light" magazine, book. 6.)

Freemasons create the League of Human Rights, the League of Education, the League of Peace, and various societies of free thought, through which secular (non-religious) ideas and social-democratic progress are propagandized. But special attention is paid to anti-religious propaganda.

"Try," the Italian Freemason Piccolo-Tigris instructs his brothers, "to let your own people into various religious brotherhoods and other societies, create them under various insignificant pretexts, but not political or religious; create yourself, or better yet, force others to form alliances with the aim of trade, industry, music, art, etc. Put at their head a virtuous priest, well attested, but trusting, who is easily deceived."

Being a vast organization of propaganda, Freemasonry acts by slow suggestion, preparing for the acceptance of Masonic teaching and spreading this teaching. It is the sacred duty of every Mason to enlighten the whole universe with the light of the royal art of the Freemasons.

Every Mason, assuming the duty of unquestioning obedience, must without hesitation and without hesitation in the interests of the Order make all sacrifices, suffer and die for Masonic ideals, maintaining secrecy and loyalty to the Order.

The motto of the Freemason is: "Be ready!"


The immediate task of Freemasonry is to seize political influence and power and re-educate society on a new basis. "Freemasonry must have power, and it already does, to influence public opinion," says the Grand Master of the Italian Lodges, Brother Lemmy. (Ray of Light magazine, book 6, p. 39.)

Freemasonry should cover all spheres of human life in modern states. Religion, the state, politics, the family, the school, the army, the social order, science, art, the press, industry, international relations – all this is rebuilt by Freemasonry in its own way.

The seizure of political power by Freemasons gives them a wide opportunity to implement Masonic principles through legislation and administrative orders. All foreign and domestic policy of France is guided by Freemasonry, it has full power and the ability to influence the public life of France in the Masonic spirit. There is not a single law, political, religious, or public education, that has not been worked out in Masonic lodges.

Freemasonry pays special attention to the family, education, science and social upbringing. Freemasons preach secular, non-religious education and expel the teaching of the law of God from schools. In order to deprive parents of the opportunity to give their children a religious, moral and patriotic education, the state takes all school affairs into its own hands, and parents can educate their children at home only with the help of teachers approved by the government.

The capture of the younger generation and the creation of a "new breed of people" from the youth - the future citizens of the Masonic state - is one of the main aspirations of Freemasonry. "Leave the old and the adults, take care of the youth, and, if possible, the children," is the old instruction to the members of the Masonic order of the "High Venta".

"First impressions are unforgettable and it is necessary that these impressions are healthy and consistent with modern scientific ideas. It is necessary to give children a powerful education based on morality, freed from any religious idea," says the Freemason Fleury.

"Public education must first of all be freed from all the spirit of churchmen and dogmatists" (Convention of the Grand East, 1909)