Freemasons advocate a state monopoly of primary education, comprehensive control of secondary education, and the management of higher education. University education is in the hands of the Freemasons. A small but close-knit group of Freemason professors holds everything in their hands: they distribute diplomas, award scientific degrees, create "names" and "authorities". An independent scholarly work, if it does not conform to Masonic principles, cannot count on the recognition of Masonic professors by the university Areopagus. People of true science are wiped out, they are not allowed to move, and they are forced to remain in oblivion and obscurity. A dizzying scientific career is made by unscrupulous people, for whom the "immortal principles of 1989" are an unconditional confession. The popularity of scientists is created mainly by the Masonic press, completely regardless of the talents and scientific competence of the advertised favorites. In the same position is art, which has been captured mainly by Masonic criticism. An ordinary novelist, but the freemason Aldanov has been transformed by such criticism into a genius and a world magnitude, and the genuinely Russian writer Krasnov is regarded as a magnitude that does not deserve attention. Mediocre, and often simply untalented, artists, actors, musicians, etc., thanks to the patronage of benevolent criticism, reap laurels and money, while true talents are forced to dwell in obscurity and drag out a miserable existence. Under such a system, people of science and art are the real helots of the Masonic order: they serve it not out of fear, but out of conscience, and form a phalanx of dangerous destroyers and corrupters of the national spirit and the spiritual strength of peoples.


The ultimate aspiration of Freemasonry is to unite all people on the basis of freedom, equality and fraternity without distinction of race, tribe, nations, religions and cultures into one world union to achieve the kingdom of Astraea, the kingdom of universal justice and the earthly Eden (paradise). On the way to the establishment of the Masonic ideal - the union of all people and the creation of paradise on earth - there are positive religions and nation-states that must be destroyed. Religious, national and state differences must disappear. The struggle against historical institutions that prevent all nations from uniting into one union is considered the meaning and purpose of life of every orthodox and consistent Mason.


In the foreground is the struggle against positive religions and the church. Masons wage this struggle by preaching the indifference of religious faith, or they take the path of open atheism. The first system is carried out by English Freemasons, who teach: "In our time," says Anderson's New Book of Constitutions, "man freely chooses his faith, and only one religion is really obligatory for all: it is that universal religion uniting all men, which consists in the duty of each of us to be good and faithful to duty, to be a man of honor and conscience, by whatever name our religion is called, and whatever religious dogmas distinguish us from other people."

Supporters of the second system are representatives of Roman Freemasonry (main French Freemasonry), who openly declare war on God, Christ and the Church and go so far as to worship Satan. But the English and French Masons also have the same goal: to establish a new faith that unites all people in place of the destroyed positive religions: the difference between them in tactics While the English Masons recognize the "cultural way of combating religious prejudices," the French Masons openly preach godlessness.

In 1863, at a congress of students in Liège, the Freemason Lafargue defined the goal of Freemasonry "as the triumph of man over God." "War on God, hatred of God! All progress is in this! We must pierce the sky like a paper vault!"

"Let us not forget that we are anti-church, and that we shall make every effort in our lodges to destroy religious influence in all the forms in which it is manifested" (Congress of Belfort, 1911)

The Belgian Freemason Coke declared at the International Masonic Congress in Paris "that we must destroy religion," and further, "by propaganda and even by administrative acts, we shall succeed in crushing religion."

The Spanish revolutionary Freemason Ferrero writes in his catechism for elementary schools: "God is only a childish concept caused by a feeling of fear."

"Let us vigorously support freedom of conscience in everyone, but let us not hesitate to declare war on all religions, for they are the true enemies of humanity. Throughout the ages, they have only contributed to discord between individuals and nations. Let us work, let us weave with our swift and dexterous fingers the shroud that will one day cover all religions; In this way we will achieve the destruction of the clergy and the prejudices they inculcate throughout the world." (Convention of the Grand Lodge of France, 1922)


Denying all positive religions, Freemasonry has a special hatred for Christianity. In its struggle against Christianity, Freemasonry proceeds either by substituting the foundations of Christian doctrine, so to speak, by falsifying Christianity, or by openly persecuting Christians. Here is what the Freemasons themselves say about this.

"For those who cannot renounce faith in Christ, we will establish that Christ also preached the religion of nature and reason. We will add that this simple religion has been perverted, but that we are its successors through Freemasonry, and the only followers of true Christianity. Then it remains to add only a few words against the clergy and monarchs" (Letter to Knigge to Zwack.)