"We can no longer recognize God as the goal of life, we have created an ideal, which is not God, but humanity." (Convention of the Grand Orient. 1913.)

"The people are God!" - the singer of the Bosyak revolution, the freemason writer Maxim Gorky asserts the same idea.

Developing these basic theses, the Freemasons preach a new religion for the deification of mankind and create a non-religious morality.

"For a happy life," wrote the freemason D. Tolland in 1720, "virtue alone is enough: it is its own reward." (Nis. The Main Features of Modern Freemasonry.)

"The morality of a Freemason (Freemason) is not constrained by the formulas of any particular confession, creed or any philosophical system."

"Freemasonry does not seek the standards of good and evil, duty and justice, either in the manifestations of the human mind, or in the inspirations and revelations of man, believing, on the basis of these sciences, that these standards are the result of the ever-changing functions of Nature." (Declaration of the Council of the Order of the Grand Orient of France, 1904)

"We need to develop a morality capable of competing with religious morality." (Convention of the Grand East, 1913, "Ray of Light" magazine, book 6, p. 48)

In one of its circulars, the Council of the Grand Orient reminds the lodges that Freemasonry has a claim to create a new morality, the superior morality of Christianity and Stoicism. "This new morality consists in the preaching of altruism, or, as the Freemasons like to say, solidarism" (A. A. Borovoy, Modern Freemasonry in the West, p. 13.)


Remaining consistent, rejecting and hating Christianity, some Freemasons declare themselves servants of Satan. "We Freemasons," says Altmeister Brocklin of the Lessing Lodge, "belong to the family of Lucifer."

"A triangle (i.e. a symbol of the anti-god, the devil) instead of a cross, a lodge instead of a church" – the Satanic Freemasons openly and not without pride declare their confession.

In the journal of the Grand Orient of Italy, there is a hymn to Satan, which reveals the true essence of the order of Freemasons (brothers of Freemasons).

"I cry out to you, Satan, king of feasts! Down with the priest, down with your holy water and your prayers! And you, Satan, do not step back! In never-resting matter, You, the living sun, the king of natural phenomena... Satan, you have defeated God, the priests!"