And in order to destroy this tyrant or make him obedient to itself, Freemasonry seeks allies and helpers among the open enemies of the Church and the state and finds them in the person of socialism and communism.


There is an inner spiritual connection and mutual support between the Masonic and Socialist Internationals. The spiritual mother of socialism and communism is Freemasonry, since the creators of both are 31st degree Freemasons Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

"The triumph of socialism is inevitable, and Freemasonry should go at the head of the movement, and not be towed." (Acacia, 1903) "Only in socialism, and in socialism applied in all its breadth, is the key to the solution of the social question to be found. We consider it to be the logical conclusion of the idea of solidarity of world Freemasonry," says Brother Bedarid.

The socialist revolution is included in the program of achievements of Freemasonry.

"Freemasonry, which prepared the political revolution of 1789, must now prepare a socialist revolution. Freemasons are obliged to go hand in hand with the proletariat. On the side of the former are intellectual forces and creative abilities, the latter have numerical superiority and destructive means. Their unity will bring about the socialist revolution." (Masonic magazine "Acacia", 1910)

"From the day when the alliance of the proletariat and Freemasonry is sealed, we will be an invincible army," proclaimed the Masonic International Conference in Brussels in 1910.

Masonic leaders, hiding behind democratic principles - freedom, equality, fraternity - not only do not disdain an alliance with the communists, but recommend using them to achieve their high goals. Thus, at the convention of the Grand Orient of France as early as 1902, Brother Delpash inspired the venerable Masonic assembly not to be afraid of the doctrine of communism. "We must not forget," he says, "that Freemasonry has long since created the so-called first bloc, that among us there are people of all kinds of political persuasions, representing various transitional stages from mere republicans to radical socialists, collectivists." (A. Vikturinov, Communist Freemasons, Double-Headed Eagle magazine, 1928, No15, p. 39.)

"Only through an alliance of the left, the main cell of which will be the lodge, will we triumph. We must group all the Republicans and even work out a program in alliance with the Communists." (Convention of the Grand Orient.)

Масонство должно под свое руководство собрать все разрушительные силы рационалистов, позитивистов, материалистов, социалистов и коммунистов.

Союз всех этих антихристианских и антинациональных сил составит кадры для всемирной революции и приблизит торжество масонских идеалов и принципов. «Масонство, которому история обязана национальными революциями, сумеет произвести и самую крупную, т.е. интернациональную революцию». (Бюллетень Великой Ложи, 1922 г.) «Предстоящая интернациональная революция будет творением масонства». (Конвент Великой Ложи, 1922 г.)

Результатом этой «предстоящей интернациональной революции», приближающейся стараниями масонов с каждым днем, будет сверхгосударство — конечная цель масонских вожделений.


Масонство стремится разрушить все старое, уничтожить все существующие устои и на развалинах прошлого построить новое масонское царство. Масонство должно создать международное движение, следствием которого будет вечный мир и торжество идеалов свободы, равенства и братства между народами.