The Immediate Tasks of Freemasonry 4

The Ultimate Ideal of Freemasonry 5

Freemasonry and Religion 5

Freemasonry and Christianity 5

Religion and Morals of Freemasonry 6

Freemasonry and Satanism 6

Freemasonry and National Christian Statehood 7

Freemasonry, Socialism, Communism and the International Revolution 7

The Superstate as the Ideal of Freemasonry's Achievements 8

History of Freemasonry 8

Freemasonry in Russia 9

The Schism of the Russian Orthodox Church 9

Reign of Peter I 9

The Reign of Anna Ioannovna 10

Reign of Elizabeth Petrovna 11

Reign of Catherine II 11

Reign of Alexander I 12

Reigns of Emperors Nicholas I and Alexander II 12

Reigns of Emperors Alexander III and Nicholas II 13

The Revolution of 1917, Communism and Freemasonry 13

The Orthodox Church Abroad and Freemasonry 15

The Rosicrucian Order 20

Theosophical Societies 22

Sectarianism 25

Methodists 25

Adventists 25

Pentecostals 26

Order of the Sophians 27

Nicholas Roerich 34

Conclusions 40

Conclusion 42


"The Order of Free Masons," says Tara Sokolovskaya, a specialist in Freemasonry, "is a worldwide secret society that has set itself the goal of leading mankind to the achievement of the earthly Eden, the golden age, the kingdom of love and truth, the kingdom of Astraea."