The meeting opened with an introductory speech by the chairman, N. A. Berdyaev, "On the Spiritual Revival of Russia and the Tasks of the Religious-Philosophical Academy," then Frank spoke about "Philosophy and Religion." Instead of the sick I. A. Ilyin, prof. A. P. Karsavin spoke. All reports were a great success." (Rudder, No608, November 28, 1922.)

In honor of those "deported" by the Russian Academic Group in Berlin and the Union of Russian Writers and Journalists in Germany, a welcoming meeting was arranged. This meeting was held in a Jewish Masonic lodge in Berlin.

In a word, the KSML, the Union of Russian Jews, the Freemasons and Freemasons met the "exiled" professors as triumphants, and surrounded them with care and care. At the same time, in Russia, the Soviet government, which with such courtesy and comfort sent the guardians of Orthodoxy into "exile" in Berlin, was martyring the hierarchs and clergy of the "decrepit Church of Constantine," and the abandoned great Russian philosopher V. V. Rozanov, who had not sold a "glass of praise" to his faith and his people for money, was dying of hunger in the monastery of St. Sergius.

The "victims" subsequently enjoyed the unfailing favor and support of world Freemasonry. The Religious-Philosophical Academy opened with the money of the KSML in Berlin was moved to Paris, where the already definitively formed Order of Sophians, "a gathering of antichrist slaves", under the banner of a red triangle turned downwards, began the "reformation" of the Orthodox Church.

But every day the close connection of the reformers with the dark world forces was revealed, and this made their work fruitless.

A similar scandal in the "noble Masonic family" occurred with Academician Nicholas Roerich, who in 1934 came to the Manchurian Empire to enlighten the emigration with the "true" light of the Rosicrucian teaching.

In view of the fact that the scandal with Roerich's ceremonial arrival and hasty departure from the Manchurian Empire took on a world character, it is necessary to dwell on the personality and activities of this person.


Nicholas Roerich with his wife and adult son left Russia under Kerensky. Having left Russia with his family and without any means, Roerich very quickly became a rich man, and with dizzying speed became a world celebrity. Roerich owes his rise and wealth to Freemasonry.

Upon his arrival abroad, Roerich joined Masonic organizations, and in particular the Society of Theosophists.

"I," writes Krymov, who lived in London with Roerich in 1919, "have attended Roerich's spiritualistic séances and know this tragicomic story. Roerich's wife and his two sons, living in London in 1919, in order to entertain their father who had fallen into melancholy, began to fool him at spiritualistic séances... The Roerich family arranged spiritualistic séances in my apartment, and I still have fun when I remember... And one more thing... the Russian artist Nicholas Roerich is also now a theosophist, spiritualist and Tibetan sage..." (V. Krymov, People in the Web, p. 209.)

From London, Roerich moved to America, where he and his wife occupied a high position among Theosophists. In 1926, the New York Theosophical Society sent Roerich to a congress of Theosophists in the USSR to discuss some ten points with the Soviet government there. Eight of these ten points were agreed upon, and two were changed in accordance with the wishes of the Soviet government. After that, the Soviet government arranged for Roerich to travel to Urga and helped him travel through the Gobi. Moscow asks Feng-Yong-Xiang on the radio to provide full assistance to Roerich's expedition going on camels from Urga, through the Gobi, to the mountains. Suzhou (northern Kansu) and further to Tibet.

Roerich's wife, Helena Roerich, who now lives in Adyar, is a "Theosophical Madonna", which role, after initiation into the highest theosophical-masonic degree, passed to her from Annie Besant, who recently died. Before A. Besant, this place was occupied by Blavatsky.

As for the real activity of Roerich himself, it comes down to ordinary Masonic work, and neither his work nor philosophical constructions contain anything new and original.