A talented artist, of which there are a sufficient number in Russia and the emigration, Roerich turned into a magnitude of world significance by Masonic desire and command. The essence here is not in the talent and abilities of the exalted, but in his suitability for Masonic purposes. All you need is some talent, as a clue, as a pretext: money and advertising will do the rest. Ambitious and greedy, a complete egoist and adventurer of a large scale, Roerich turned out to be the most suitable figure for the dark Masonic game. To begin with, he was created the widest popularity in the United States of America, and soon the "Friend of America", as Nicholas Roerich was called in the United States, created the Institute of United Arts and the Crown of Mundi, a center of international art. On March 24, 1924, the Roerich Museum was opened in New York, called the "House of the Master", where his paintings, already collected in the amount of several hundred copies, are placed. On May 7, 1924, Roerich established the publishing house "Alatas" (Siberian word meaning "white stone"). But Roerich received special fame and fame after returning from an expedition to the countries of the East, which he made with American money and headed at the American request.

At the same time, he is the Legate of the Great White Brotherhood of AMORC (Ancient Mystical Order of Rosen-Kreutzer) and occupies a very prominent place in Masonic circles, and therefore it is quite natural that he finds the widest and most energetic support of the entire world Freemasonry, especially American and French. By order of American Freemasonry, he is fully supported by the world Masonic organization - CSML, of which he is an honorary adviser. The highest body of French Freemasonry, the Grand Orient of France, contributed to the fact that Roerich was awarded the Legion of Honor for the propaganda of pacifism. The Roerich Pact was adopted by the world Masonic Areopagus – the League of Nations, the Freemason President of the Czechoslovak Republic Massaryk, Freemasons Maeterlinck, Einstein, Robindranath Tagore and others.

All the popularity and glory of Roerich is based on his belonging to Freemasonry, and without the support of the Order of Freemasons, Roerich would never have risen to the height at which he is at the present time.

But having chosen Roerich as its favorite, Freemasonry demands work from him and sends him to where he can be most useful to his master.

And Roerich works. With his vague and sometimes meaningless reasoning for those unfamiliar with Freemasonry, he performs tasks in the Masonic character of which there is no doubt. A closer look at its activities reveals the following:

I. In the religious field, Roerich preaches religious indifference and synthesis of all religions, putting the Orthodox Christian faith, delusional sects and paganism in a row.

In 1926, on the recommendation and with the help of Roerich, the book "The Chalice of the East" was published, written by one of the great mahatmas, i.e. Himalayan saints, in which the book contains the entire confession of Roerich.

"Neither our philosophy nor ourselves believe in God, least of all in Him whose pronoun requires a capital letter" (p. 23).

Such a judgment is for every orthodox Theosophist a truth that does not require any proof. Suffice it to refer to the above words of the President of the Theosophical Society, Annie Besant, who taught: "Atheist is one of the most glorious titles of mankind, a badge of distinction of world heroes, martyrs, saviors of the world. No philosophy, no theology brought anything worthy to the world in comparison with the good news of atheism."

"Our doctrine," says the book "The Chalice of the East," "knows no compromises. It does not affirm, it does not deny, because it gives only what it knows as truth. That is why we deny God, as philosophers and as Buddhists. We know planetary and other spiritual existences, and we know that in our system there is no such being as God, personal or impersonal. The word God was invented to determine the unknown cause of those effects which, without understanding them, man admired or feared. And since we assert, and are able to prove what we assert, i.e., the knowledge of this cause and causes, we can insist that there is no God or Gods behind them" (pp. 24-25).

"The God of the theologians is merely an imaginary power—a power which has never yet manifested itself. Our main task is to liberate humanity from this nightmare, to teach man virtue for its own sake, to teach him to live life relying on himself, instead of leaning on the theological crutch that for countless centuries has been the direct cause of almost all human misery" (p.

«... He who reads our Buddhist scriptures, written for the superstitious masses, will not find in them a demon so vengeful, unjust, cruel, and stupid as that celestial tyrant upon whom the Christians lavish their servile adoration so generously, and the theologians heap up all those perfections which are refuted on every page of their Bible" (p.

Through the efforts and with the close participation of Roerich, the above-quoted "Chalice of the East" saw the light of day in order to cloud the already clouded brain and soul of modern mankind with the intoxication of theosophical philosophizing. But it could not be otherwise: Roerich, as a true Theosophist, cannot but have a negative attitude towards any religion, since according to the teaching of Theosophists, positive religions with precisely established dogmas are a path traveled and "there is no religion higher than the truth". And since "Theosophy is truth," it follows that "there is no religion higher than Theosophy."

In a letter of instruction sent from India, Gor. In 1924, in the name of his brother Vladimir Konstantinovich and intended for the Harbin Lodge of Rosicrucians, Nicholas Roerich instructs how to act in order to "benefit humanity".