From then on, he constantly mourned for the rest of his life and (remembered) this significant divine meal.

4. From St. Maximus

Turn away from evil and do good (Psalm 33:15). That is, fight with your enemies in order to reduce your passions, and fight them again in order to acquire virtues. And then sober up in order to preserve these virtues. This is the work of cultivating and preserving it (Gen 2:15).

5. From Otechnik

Abba Anthony heard people talking about a certain young monk who was walking along the road and performed a miracle. He met elders who were tired of the long journey. The young man called the zebras to allow the elders to sit on them and take them to Abba Anthony. The elders came on zebras to the abba and told him about what a miracle the monk had performed. Abba Anthony said to them:

"I think this monk is like a ship full of goods, but I don't know if it will reach the pier.

And after a while, Abba Anthony suddenly began to weep, began to angrily tear his hair and moan heavily.

"Why are you crying, Abba?" The disciples asked, and he answered:

"The great pillar of the church has just fallen," the elder meant the young monk. "Go to him and see what happened there."

The disciples went where the abba had said. The young monk lay on a mat and mourned the sin he had committed. When he saw the disciples, he said:

"Ask the elder to beg God to give me at least ten days, and I hope to deserve justification before Him." But five days later he died.

2. Abba Bessarion said: "When we humble ourselves and pray lest an alien joy enter us, we begin to boast, cease to watch our hearts, and plunge into sorrowful warfare. Often, because of our weakness, God shows mercy on us and casts Satan out of us. And if we neglect ourselves and reject the fear of God and attention, temptations are immediately allowed to us."

Chapter 10: On Being Strict About Self-Care, Correcting Mistakes, and Multiplying Good Deeds