The Book of the Acts of the Holy Apostles

AVERKY (Taushev A. P.) (1906-1976), Russian church figure, theologian, spiritual writer, Archbishop of Syracuse and Holy Trinity. One of the leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia. Abbot of Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville (USA) in 1960-76. He is the author of the books "The Herald of God's Punishment on the Russian People" (1964), "Modernity in the Light of the Word of God. Words and Speeches".

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Archbishop Averky





Part One

The Church of Christ from the Jews

(chapters 1-12)

Chapter One

Preface to the Book of Acts

(verses 1-3). The Lord's Instructions and Promises Before the Ascension and His Ascension (verses 4-11). The speech of the holy Apostle Peter about the election of a new apostle in the place of Judas and the election of Matthew (verses 12-26).

Preface to the Book of Acts


In the preface, the author refers to a certain Theophilus and in doing so points to his "first book," in which he wrote "all that Jesus did and taught from the beginning." It is quite obvious that here we are talking about our third canonical Gospel, which was written by Luke for the same "venerable Theophilus." St. Luke points to the internal organic connection between his Gospel and this second book, which should serve as a continuation of the first. Of "all things," of course, only relatively, for St. John considers it even impossible to describe everything (John 21:25). "All things" are said here in the sense of "all things that are necessary" in order to be able to become acquainted with the life, work and teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ and to believe in Him as the Son of God.