«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

25 Благотворительная душа будет насыщена, и кто напояет других, тот и сам напоен будет.

26 Кто удерживает у себя хлеб, того клянет народ; а на голове продающего – благословение.

27 Кто стремится к добру, тот ищет благоволения; а кто ищет зла, к тому оно и приходит.

28 Надеющийся на богатство свое упадет; а праведники, как лист, будут зеленеть.

29 Расстроивающий дом свой получит в удел ветер, и глупый будет рабом мудрого сердцем.

30 Плод праведника – древо жизни, и мудрый привлекает души.

31 Так праведнику воздается на земле, тем паче нечестивому и грешнику.

Chapter 12

1 He who loves instruction loves knowledge; but whoever hates reproof is ignorant.

2 A good man gains favor from the Lord; but He will condemn a deceitful man.

3 Man shall not establish himself by iniquity; but the root of the righteous is immovable.

4 A virtuous wife is a crown for her husband; and the shameful one is like rot in his bones.

5 The providence of the righteous is righteousness, but the designs of the wicked are deceit.

6 The words of the wicked are an ambush for the shedding of blood, but the mouth of the righteous saves them.

7 Touch the wicked with misfortune, and they are gone, but the house of the righteous stands.

8 A man is praised according to the measure of his understanding, but he who is corrupt in heart will be despised.

9 Better is he who is simple, but works for himself, than he who pretends to be a nobleman, but has need of bread.

10 A righteous man careth also for the life of his cattle, but the heart of the wicked is hard.

11 Whosoever till his land shall be satisfied with bread; but whoever follows in the footsteps of idle lovers is dull-witted. [Whoever takes pleasure in wasting time in wine will leave disgrace in his house.]

12 The wicked desire to ensnare evil; but the root of the righteous is firm.

13 The wicked are caught by the sins of his mouth; but the righteous will get out of trouble. [He who looks meekly will have mercy, but he who meets him in the gate will oppress others.]