Mysticism or spirituality? Heresies against Christianity.

Bracelet is a symbol of external cognition

Jealousy as a Loss of Holistic Vision

Masquerade as an illusion and spiritual displacement

Play as a naturalistic temptation

The Path to Crime

The Role of the Fallen Mind in Crime

The prophetic meaning of Lermontov's drama

A.N. Scriabin – a composer or a religious mystic?

Magical features in Scriabin's musical work

On Scriabin's Religious-Philosophical Views

On the Content of Scriabin's Mystical and Creative Experience

Scriabin – the prophet of a new religious era

About the talent and natural abilities of a person

How the modern understanding of talent was formed

Is talent a natural ability?

On the Definition of True Talent

Talent in sports

Talent and morality

Creativity in the Philosophical Concept of N.A. Berdyaev

The Holy Fathers on Talent